Would you be annoyed? | ExpatWoman.com

Would you be annoyed?

Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 15:07

I know in this age lots of people put their whole lives out on social media and I think that's fine if you like to put your own personal details and events out there for the whole world to know, but I do not use FB or any of those things, I prefer to remain a private person as far as possible.

The problem now is I just came to know from someone else that a guest staying in my house is posting everything including photos of my home up on her FB page which is public, and possibly other social media sites. I really would have liked to be asked first at least. I am a bit worried that she may have taken the photos without turning off the geotagging location settings on her Smart Phone. I doubt she even knows such a thing exists.

Very difficult situation now as its too late so saying anything is just going to spoil what has been a nice time until now.

I am a bit old fashioned but isn't it still normal to ask someone before doing this type of thing when it involves other people besides yourself?

Latest post on 05 August 2015 - 11:17
I'm with Geordie Expat, why not just tell her that you have found out the photos are on FB and you would rather keep your life private. No need to make a fuss just explain that you would like her to remove the photos. As she is staying with you I guess you are friends so I'm sure she will understand.
Latest post on 05 August 2015 - 10:21
If I were you and gong by what you have said, I would just confront her and say that a friend has mentioned to you that she has seen these photos all over FB. Sorry but I don't think she sounds as if she will take the hint.
Latest post on 05 August 2015 - 10:08
Thanks everyone for the advice. Looking at her page its full of photos of herself her child and husband and details of everywhere they go, their whole life is an open document so obviously the concept of privacy does not concern her at all and she clearly thinks nothing of putting other peoples private lives out there too. As Nomad says this sort of situation can turn into a huge drama and I don't want it all to go sour, so since I don't use FB myself if I tell her directly to take the photos down she would know someone else had told me. I had an opportunity later in the day to drop a mention about geotagging while I was shopping for a new phone, I hope that registered and today I am inviting the other friend over for tea and she is going to mention she saw her page, and she will quietly tell her I would not really like my private life on public view. Hopefully this has the desired result and we avoid any unpleasantness. It would be good if FB had some kind of notice when making an upload to remind people that they should take permission before posting personal content without other peoples knowledge. They could put it in the upload box so no one would miss it and perhaps a lot of these situations be avoided.
Latest post on 05 August 2015 - 02:04
I always know what my mum is up to due to another family member posting on fb. It drives my mum mad and really annoys me that she feels she can put other peoples' movements on the internet. This other family member now gets really offended that she's the last to be told important news such as engagments/pregnancies but we just don't want it broadcast to the world! We have all asked her to stop but still it continues. I'd definitely ask your friend to remove the pics. We had a similar experience In our family ( I have never had an account probably the only person on the planet ! and won't be getting one). It caused such drama and dissent that all those effected closed their accounts and now actually pick up the phone or actually visit where possible to exchange news/ photos etc. and even have the odd " disagreement " ! Just like life was before FB....... I would be most upset with someone broadcasting where I live, photos of my children for all and sundry, and would ask the friend to please delete them. Sad really as I think the original reason for the application has been lost. What upsets me is the bullying that takes place on FB.
Latest post on 05 August 2015 - 01:37
I always know what my mum is up to due to another family member posting on fb. It drives my mum mad and really annoys me that she feels she can put other peoples' movements on the internet. This other family member now gets really offended that she's the last to be told important news such as engagments/pregnancies but we just don't want it broadcast to the world! We have all asked her to stop but still it continues. I'd definitely ask your friend to remove the pics.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 17:00
I don't see any problem with just asking them! It's your home, your personal space. Or if you like to be passive aggressive like me, you could just indirectly and "casually" drop in a conversation about what you've "seen on the news today" about someone getting "done" for uploading pictures of other people's property.... That might scare them to take them off! Hahaha.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 16:37
I tend to ask people before posting photos of them - we all have our preferences about our online presence ;) And I understand why you would be a bit annoyed about photos of your home being uploaded - it is a personal space after all. I suggest just having a chat with your guest about it... A lot of people don't realise that not everyone wants their lives displayed on the internet.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 16:29
I have a friend who is exactly like you Chezmoi. She made it very clear that she doesnt like FB or many other social media sites and I have never posted a picture of her on FB specifically for that reason. I respect her privacy and I think your friend should too. I agree with Marroosh I would ask for her to take them down, she is probably totally oblivious to how much she has invaded your privacy.
Anonymous (not verified)
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 16:10
You have every right to be annoyed and ask her to take these pictures down. It's your private place and anyone should ask for permission to take pictures on your private premises. I would be very angry if any did that in my house.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 15:30
I am looking through her photo uploads, I see lots of photos of the house from inside and out, the garden with the children playing, although there are quite distant shots but her child is in the photos too. I think I will drop a mention about geotagging and the way it can be used if its not off and suggest her page be private if she is going to post family content. I do think I should have been told beforehand at least.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 15:25
Personally speaking it wouldn't bother me at all as it is only my house, however as you aren't on FB its your call I lock my settings down and if any pictures of me are posted my friends let me vet them first. Apart from your house what is she posting? If you are shocked by it then ask her to take them down.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 15:20
Not yet, I only was told of it a few minutes ago and still a bit in shock wondering what to do. The photos have been there for a week now apparently.
Latest post on 04 August 2015 - 15:16
I know in this age lots of people put their whole lives out on social media and I think that's fine if you like to put your own personal details and events out there for the whole world to know, but I do not use FB or any of those things, I prefer to remain a private person as far as possible. The problem now is I just came to know from someone else that a guest staying in my house is posting everything including photos of my home up on her FB page which is public, and possibly other social media sites. I really would have liked to be asked first at least. I am a bit worried that she may have taken the photos without turning off the geotagging location settings on her Smart Phone. I doubt she even knows such a thing exists. Very difficult situation now as its too late so saying anything is just going to spoil what has been a nice time until now. I am a bit old fashioned but isn't it still normal to ask someone before doing this type of thing when it involves other people besides yourself? Have you spoken with her and asked her not to do this?