Hamad General Hospital | ExpatWoman.com

Hamad General Hospital

Latest post on 16 August 2015 - 15:48


Just looking for some information on Hamad General Hospital, have been refered there from Al Ahli as I need surgery.

Any information would be good as I'm very worried about the surgery!!

Appreciate any feedback.
Thanks x

Latest post on 20 August 2015 - 21:40
Hi, First of all Happy feet, I am very sad to find out about your experience. From your explanation of your condition I think you should have just gone to Hamad hospital Emergency department immediately. There is no need for any appointment; you may have to wait may be few hours to be seen; but if you were very breathless you would have been seen by a doctor more or less on arrival. (depending on the assessment made by the nurse on your arrival; you will be prioritised ). My guess is the person who spoke to you was talking about a regular outpatient appointment for non urgent cases or routine follow up reviews. Now Julie, yes had is the best healthcare provider in qatar with some world class expertise and facilities. yes it does have its flaws as well. It is a public sector organisation like the NHS in the UK. Nominal fees are charged for treatment ( unlike NHS which is totally free). I do not know what your condition is. If it is not a live threatening condition ; yes you may have to wait few weeks to months for the procedure to be done.
Latest post on 20 August 2015 - 15:07
Hi By now you must have known that it is a govt hospital and most of the things there are done either for free or for a very nominal fee. So you can imagine the waiting list there. I have no idea about your situation like which department you need and how urgently you need the surgery. I myself had once enquired there when I had a sever asthma attack. When i was talking to the person from Hamad over phone, I was barely able to breath and he told me the minimum waiting time for to meet a doctor is 3 months. So i had to go to another hospital. So if I were you, I would first try to get an appointment and meet a doctor in the concerned department and depending on my urgency may make other arrangements, may be look at going to some other country that I would be able to afford. Dont get alarmed, just keep your options open. Best of luck.
Latest post on 20 August 2015 - 14:23
Do you have your government health card? You will need that. You can find information online about what you need to get that. Get your appt and be seen by the doctor and then you will probably be on a waitlist for the surgery. I have had surgery there, my son has had surgery there...we had good experiences.
Latest post on 20 August 2015 - 05:03
Hamad is generally considered the best hospital in doha. It's the public hospital. I'm not sure what sort of information you are looking for???
Latest post on 19 August 2015 - 16:57
Any information please!!!