Going from P/time job to F/time... what to do? | ExpatWoman.com

Going from P/time job to F/time... what to do?

Latest post on 16 November 2015 - 12:16

I am in a turmoil about what to do! All advice and opinions/experiences gratefully received!

I am currently working part-time (school hours, 3 days office/2 days from home) but it's a contract job and may finish in the next couple of months. They have another job vacancy with similar hours but insist on having someone with a marketing degree. So I'll be facing the music soon.

Meanwhile, a friend has contacted me about a brilliant opportunity (good money) with her company, but it's full time. I have two children in school (7 & 8 yo) and I just don't know if it would be good to return to full time work just yet. I like picking them up from school and being able to attend events. And although I think they're probably better off with me around, I can earn so much more with this other job, it would definitely make life so much easier given the cost of living here.

What to do?!

Latest post on 16 February 2016 - 20:39
if you like the company you work for currently and they appreciate your work, why don't you negotiate with them that you take that marketing role and commit to gaining a marketing degree over the next 6-12-18months ? that will prove to them your commitment, will get them someone with a marketing degree who knows the company inside out and gets you an extra degree for your future career anyway... just a thought. Having been in management for a while, I realise the importance of having team members that are committed and knowledgeable about the business, rather than having to train new staff members on a constant basis.
Latest post on 15 February 2016 - 16:34
hi I'm interested in a part time marketing role as well, can you please send the link? TIA!
Latest post on 15 February 2016 - 14:37
I'd be interested in the part time marketing role with work from home options at ur current employer... would love to be able to spend more time with the kids... i have a masters in strategic marketing and around 15 years of work experience here in Dubai... do let me know!
Latest post on 15 February 2016 - 14:08
Google? http://recruitment.travelcounsellors.com/ae/
Latest post on 14 February 2016 - 15:02
Such a difficult balance to find. Have you thought about going self employed so you can work full time but during the hours that suit you? I work for travel counsellors and we are recruiting at the moment. If you have a passion for travel you can train to become a self employed travel consultant, working from home. Have a look online at the website. I hope you find something suitable soon. Good luck! Thanks EdinburgerInDubai - that sounds appealing. Would you please share the website address? I guess I should shout out to any Marketing Managers who are looking for flexible/possibly part time (school) hours as well. Even though it's the job I want!! There's always threads about the lack of part time and flexible work - goes to show, it does exist! hello EdinburgerInDubai and 3rd Time Lucky. Newbie here! Kindly share this website with me too pls! Im a new mum eriously looking for a part-time or work at home job opportunity!
Latest post on 17 November 2015 - 08:39
Such a difficult balance to find. Have you thought about going self employed so you can work full time but during the hours that suit you? I work for travel counsellors and we are recruiting at the moment. If you have a passion for travel you can train to become a self employed travel consultant, working from home. Have a look online at the website. I hope you find something suitable soon. Good luck! Thanks EdinburgerInDubai - that sounds appealing. Would you please share the website address? I guess I should shout out to any Marketing Managers who are looking for flexible/possibly part time (school) hours as well. Even though it's the job I want!! There's always threads about the lack of part time and flexible work - goes to show, it does exist!
Latest post on 16 November 2015 - 17:43
Such a difficult balance to find. Have you thought about going self employed so you can work full time but during the hours that suit you? I work for travel counsellors and we are recruiting at the moment. If you have a passion for travel you can train to become a self employed travel consultant, working from home. Have a look online at the website. I hope you find something suitable soon. Good luck!
Latest post on 16 November 2015 - 14:27
DXB AGAIN - I think you stole the alias I originally wanted :lol::lol::lol: Thank you, good points. I'm a recruiter and it's going back into a management position, yes it sounds exciting, I love what they do but... you're right, I just don't know if the extra income outweighs my desire to be around for the children when they get in. The logistics are easily solved, there is a school bus service and our nanny is a very competent driver - she already does the morning drop off on days I work from home. It's really just trying to guess what, if any, impact it will have on the kids. At the moment I can take off at a moment's notice, I won't be able to do that if I'm full time. I just spoke to my boss now and he alluded to possibly keeping me on, hopefully I will know in the next couple of days. If only they would hire me as their marketing manager, that would be mischief managed!!
Latest post on 16 November 2015 - 14:19
This is such a personal choice but the questions to ask yourself are: Does the new job opportunity excite you other than the extra income? How will the children get home from school and to ASA's? Are you certain your current role will end? Totally agree the cost of living here is high but work life balance is equally important and if you take the new role and don't feel you have WLB you will soon resent it. I have a flexible role that enables me to participate in school life and whilst I could earn considerably more in my real profession or a more dynamic role, which would make significant differences to our standard of living, I feel I have the balance right which keeps me happy.