Someone just crossed the line, and I'm not letting it go |

Someone just crossed the line, and I'm not letting it go

Latest post on 31 January 2016 - 13:52

At school pick up, I was late to pick up my children, funny how the school says they have late pick up room for the children, however that teacher- middle aged woman - that before letting me sign that I picked up my children, decided she'll give me a lesson.
At first I told her I'm so sorry and it was unavoidable delay that it won't happen again, then she stayed this is a school and isn't providing after school child care and as the nanny of these children I should do my job properly!
At this point I stopped apologising and looked into her face telling her: I am the woman who gave birth to these children.
She didn't apologise, she stopped breathing and then started finding a recovery thing to save her own face, like oh are you working somewhere? I didn't answer her at all just asked her what was her name.

To be honest I'm appalled by this! Suppose I am a maid or a nanny; does that give her the right to scold me?
Another thing, was she that much blind to see how my children look exactly like me minus the skin colour?

I'm fuming, can't and won't let it go, I had this bad treatment many times over the years and every time I correct the person and don't get an apology at all, I am really really ****** off!

Latest post on 08 February 2016 - 21:31
wow Im late to the party, and LOVE a good rant! OP- you go girl, don't like her treat u like that. to others, how would YOU react to being treated like a second class citizen?! Why are you calling a maid / nanny a Second Class Citizen?
Latest post on 08 February 2016 - 21:30
Why do some people insist on taking offence when none is meant! We can all twist peoples words or actions to another meaning if we choose to. Gorrobattie, I am assuming you are of Asian origin [please do not rant at me if this is an error!'>. Most nannies / maids in this country are of Asian origin - so isn't it an understandable mistake for someone to make? Why not graciously accept a mistake as just that? So what if you were 'told off.' Never been told off before, whether right or wrong? - lucky you! Can you honestly say that you have never made a mistake, or never been angry with someone when they might have inconvenienced you? 30-odd years ago in UK I worked on construction sites as an engineer. In those days there were only about 10 women working on site in the whole country. How many times was I mistaken for the tea girl? Was it demeaning - of course not. Was I spitting mad - never, it was a giggle. You are one Angry Lady. Let it go. Calm down and enjoy life - you will be much happier!
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 17:40
No pleasing some people... lolol
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 17:01
well, at least you brought all the old-timers out of the woodwork !! Well done GB, and CP is happy now EW is back... lol Clearly some people here aren't familiar with GB's style but her heart's in the right place and I second the posters who said we should be more supportive.. As an aside, this doesn't apply here as she said it's her first time but parents picking kids up late is really annoying for teachers - I was in school the other day 40 minutes after the end of the day and there were still 2 kids waiting while the receptionist was ringing the of the fathers had said he'd be 10 minutes over half an hour ago and meanwhile the staff were wanting to get on but had to sit in the reception essentially playing babysitter...we all have one-offs with the car breaking down or whatever but these two were's like the parents just expect it to be ok...and before anyone jumps in with the white privilege excuse, neither of these two children were.. [b'>well, at least you brought all the old-timers out of the woodwork !! Well done GB, and CP is happy now EW is back... lol[/b'> ? Am I? ?
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 16:54
Who was it that said this forum was too quiet and boring? :lol:
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 16:52
wow Im late to the party, and LOVE a good rant! OP- you go girl, don't like her treat u like that. to others, how would YOU react to being treated like a second class citizen?! Are you saying maids or nannies are second class citizens ? nope dont twist my words around, just trying to add fuel to the fire?
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 16:37
wow Im late to the party, and LOVE a good rant! OP- you go girl, don't like her treat u like that. to others, how would YOU react to being treated like a second class citizen?! Are you saying maids or nannies are second class citizens ?
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 16:33
wow Im late to the party, and LOVE a good rant! OP- you go girl, don't like her treat u like that. to others, how would YOU react to being treated like a second class citizen?!
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 16:15
Just quickly scanning through the posts, I realized that women are their own worst enemies. We don't need men to dig our holes. We just do it ourselves and push each other in.
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 13:45
Wow... This thread is making up for the last 6 months... But seriously, you are all grown a** need for all this drama!!!
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 13:21
I know Doubting Thomas, and I hate me being the reason of someone else's missing out on job or appointments, after all teachers are human and perents too. May I ask if anybody have reviews on iskandar garage in Ajman? Yes my car still broke down and I'm using rental car at the moment, I started hating this car, another poster not happy with my second hand car.
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 13:01
well, at least you brought all the old-timers out of the woodwork !! Well done GB, and CP is happy now EW is back... lol Clearly some people here aren't familiar with GB's style but her heart's in the right place and I second the posters who said we should be more supportive.. As an aside, this doesn't apply here as she said it's her first time but parents picking kids up late is really annoying for teachers - I was in school the other day 40 minutes after the end of the day and there were still 2 kids waiting while the receptionist was ringing the of the fathers had said he'd be 10 minutes over half an hour ago and meanwhile the staff were wanting to get on but had to sit in the reception essentially playing babysitter...we all have one-offs with the car breaking down or whatever but these two were's like the parents just expect it to be ok...and before anyone jumps in with the white privilege excuse, neither of these two children were..
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 12:55
Gorobattie, you are a long time EW'er so you know that here we don't always get the responses we'd like, that's the beauty of an open forum, replies from all angles. But I think you do take a lot of things to heart including probably a lot of the responses you have received. Just try to take things with a pinch of salt. People say things without thinking some times. I am sure half us have been called fat or been told they haveput on weight since they arrived in the UAE. How have things been with Ms MiddleAge since your OP? She is being professional and I try not to interact with her at all, if it happen polite smile and I make sure that I'm extra polite so I don't leave anything for different interpretations
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 12:31
Gorobattie, you are a long time EW'er so you know that here we don't always get the responses we'd like, that's the beauty of an open forum, replies from all angles. But I think you do take a lot of things to heart including probably a lot of the responses you have received. Just try to take things with a pinch of salt. People say things without thinking some times. I am sure half us have been called fat or been told they haveput on weight since they arrived in the UAE. How have things been with Ms MiddleAge since your OP?
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 12:21
Y'all need to calm down. This is a case of a mom who was late to school and had to face the teacher. She made a point that over the years many people don't register her as mom to her kids, so i guess this just aggravated it and blew the lid. As the supportive moms that you all are. Just give her e-chamomile tea, she came here to get emotional support. Lend her that support and drop your two cents in a gentle way. We all get aggravated by different situations. Like when i was mistaken for the owner of a store, ****** me off to no end! Cos i had to start explaining am not that rich :biggrin::cry:
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 11:39
OP, maybe if you'd dress better you wouldn't be mistaken for a maid...:biggrin: Ok I'll show myself out... ? So you judge people as per what they dress? As per your comment you just degraded anyone who isn't up to your personal taste in weardrob choices... How about the old saying of " don't judge a book by it's cover"? And that is a classic micro aggression toward anyone you don't assume they are equal to you ?? As another poster said about mental note of dressing up to look like she own the shop, when she is going to shopping. I understand that you show up at school, grocery stores in your Sky high Louboutains, with tip top make up - don't forget the winged eyeliner- perfectly manicured nails, dvf iconic wrap dress and your totte bag from LV.... Please correct me if I'm wrong, becouse I never seen such classification for humans like that... Rant over it.
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 08:32
OP, maybe if you'd dress better you wouldn't be mistaken for a maid...:biggrin: Ok I'll show myself out...
Latest post on 02 February 2016 - 00:55
OD it appears that you too have made the grave mistake of crossing this infamous line. Gorobattie this being a rant is going to invite a mixed bag of opinions and you'll just have to accept that someone is going to come along and disagree. Why are you are taking this personally? Your over reaction makes me wonder what exactly happened with that middle aged teacher. Haha, it indeed seems I have RT. OP, I'll not quote your post as it is too long, but I did not attack you personally. I was merely giving my personal opinion. I certainly don't see why I (in your words) "should stay away from you". As a member of this forum I'm entitled to give my opinion on each and every post. If you have a problem with that, or with any poster disagreeing with you, I suggest you direct your anger and rants elsewhere.
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 22:15
Quote: "[i'>Sorry I don't want to know about your misfortune, each one have his own misfortune, and we all deal with it.[/i'>" But you can come on here with your misfortune and expect us to sympathise, but when you are told (not by me...) to just deal with it, you throw a "you don't know what it's like" racism card at us. Seems fair... I never once spoke down to you, I did however maybe have the audacity to question a few things which seems to have got your back up. Seeing as you don't want to listen to anyone else's hardships because no-one has it as hard as you, (obviously), I shall just pop off and continue to quietly deal with my own misfortunes. I wish you the best for the future and I hope no-one is ever mean to you again. I am sorry if my post come as I'm saying that you talked down on me, becouse you didn't. You said that you have your own share of misfortune and don't want to talk about it and I just confirmed what you said. Again I'm not saying I have big time hard time and no one else did, everybody have his or her own share of the hard times, and each one deal with it, some need guidance, and some go throw it all, years back when I was naive and over here talked about it so many posters bashed me for that, I thought it was OK as long as I am just a username on screen, again I was stand corrected, I'm not saying I'm more important than anyone, I'm just important to myself, and everybody else have the same feeling like I do, in the past I used to wait for others to step in as we are all humans, but seeing the ugly side of humanity showed me that the shiny knite that will save me is me, no one else, I don't become mean just like that, I give that opportunity to others to be mean first, so when I catch them red handed, they have no one to blam but themselves. Have a good one CM
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 21:44
Quote: "[i'>Sorry I don't want to know about your misfortune, each one have his own misfortune, and we all deal with it.[/i'>" But you can come on here with your misfortune and expect us to sympathise, but when you are told (not by me...) to just deal with it, you throw a "you don't know what it's like" racism card at us. Seems fair... I never once spoke down to you, I did however maybe have the audacity to question a few things which seems to have got your back up. Seeing as you don't want to listen to anyone else's hardships because no-one has it as hard as you, (obviously), I shall just pop off and continue to quietly deal with my own misfortunes. I wish you the best for the future and I hope no-one is ever mean to you again.
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 21:21
Gorobattie, you said (and I have copy and pasted as the rest of the section is too long) "[i'>This poor teacher as you describe, was aware of my phone call to the school, stating that my car broke down and couldn't be fixed by myself and got AAA to tow it to the garage, and gave them expected time of my arrival with taxi,[/i'> " If that is the case then the teacher would have known you were the parent, so why are you saying she thought you were the nanny... I think there is more to this story than you may even be acknowledging yourself. Also, for those saying that Gorobattie is not upset at being mistaken for being a nanny but that really she is only indignant that a nanny should be spoken to that way, I do not believe that is the case as she said (and again, I quote) " f[i'>or posters thinking it's not a problem to be mistaken for the help or nanny, it's clearly a statement from someone to tell" you are different and less than others" and want to tell these posters: count your blessings that you haven't reduced to be a second class human...[/i'>." She is actually saying that she thinks a nanny is a second class [b'>human[/b'> and is horrified at the teacher daring to surmise that she might be one!! CM, you might not be aware that English isn't my first language, but you keep playing with words, twisting it to showcase how bad I am, I don't have to prove myself to you, you can understand what you want to understand, English isn't my strong suite, but I try my best. To recognise rasist comment, treatments it's easy for anyone who've been subjected to it to recognise it/ identify it in a heart beat, again I can tell from you and whomever defend racist attitudes from white peoples who never been looked down and concederd second class human, I can tell from your words you never been on the receiving end of these words. Being a maid or nanny is not the problem, the telling off as the maid or nanny have to answer to ANY one lived and born into the white previlig, and you take it for granted you are better than anything else!!! I dare you, I double dare you or anyone who wants to cast the racism on me to tell me that since early life she haven't been looked down becouse of her background, skin colour, or called she is exotic - resembling you to an exotic animal you get on a safari trip ha!- or assumed you are less than other, even going to a club; always asked for ID but the white chick just right front of me no one bats an eyelid and let her go without stopping her to ask for an ID. When someone mistake you for a nanny in Europe is way different than ME, becouse only certain countries are allowed to have untrained labour to work these jobs, becouse not a North American, Australian, Europian country would allow their citizens to be " untrained labour" and occupation these jobs.... When you get into your villa, you'll find the Gardner coming in introducing himself to you and ask you if you would like to hire a Gardner, for me, it did happen that a Gardner come in leaned on the door and tried to struck a conversation with me and asked me about my madam.... Racism is everywhere, been practiced on daily bases among white privileged people and people of colour too. I try my best not to follow this cruel world, and set example to my children, becouse we are all humans, so side with your poor teacher please, say whatever you want to say about me, but again, think about the begging scams that done by people of colour and how you question yourself about how true it is, and that woman who called herself pillows that come over this board and started begging and many posters started giving her money, meds and all what she asked for, becouse she was white and appologitic - if you remember couple of years back on EW, and it went all ok until a poster said its illegal to give meds without prescription to people not intended to... And the scam been exposed and no one heard about her again. Rant over it Oh Gorabattie, your English is just fine, you manage to express yourself perfectly, please do not say I am twisting your words, you were the one who basically said a nanny was a second hand human, not me. That is not a lack of perfect english, that is you trying to take back your real thoughts and throw a racism card again.... And seriously, you know NOTHING about my life and the abuse I have been on the receiving end of. Just because my English is good... well, now who is assuming? Just because I choose not to talk about it, please do not assume I am just some white and therefore privileged woman, How hilarious can you be?! I am hilarious with people I know ? But I just don't like to be talked down from anyone think they are above me, you don't know me and I don't know you, seeing the ugliest side of humans made me pick the tone of being talked down, I just refuse to be victimised by anyone, if that made anyone feel uneasy with me, well I prefer to be away from harm than been harmed by anyone misunderstand my kindness as weakness, so yes, I don't play nice anymore, and don't want to be categorised as nice. Be proffissional and that's it. Sorry I don't want to know about your misfortune, each one have his own misfortune, and we all deal with it. Rant over it.
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 21:02
Gorobattie, you said (and I have copy and pasted as the rest of the section is too long) "[i'>This poor teacher as you describe, was aware of my phone call to the school, stating that my car broke down and couldn't be fixed by myself and got AAA to tow it to the garage, and gave them expected time of my arrival with taxi,[/i'> " If that is the case then the teacher would have known you were the parent, so why are you saying she thought you were the nanny... I think there is more to this story than you may even be acknowledging yourself. Also, for those saying that Gorobattie is not upset at being mistaken for being a nanny but that really she is only indignant that a nanny should be spoken to that way, I do not believe that is the case as she said (and again, I quote) " f[i'>or posters thinking it's not a problem to be mistaken for the help or nanny, it's clearly a statement from someone to tell" you are different and less than others" and want to tell these posters: count your blessings that you haven't reduced to be a second class human...[/i'>." She is actually saying that she thinks a nanny is a second class [b'>human[/b'> and is horrified at the teacher daring to surmise that she might be one!! CM, you might not be aware that English isn't my first language, but you keep playing with words, twisting it to showcase how bad I am, I don't have to prove myself to you, you can understand what you want to understand, English isn't my strong suite, but I try my best. To recognise rasist comment, treatments it's easy for anyone who've been subjected to it to recognise it/ identify it in a heart beat, again I can tell from you and whomever defend racist attitudes from white peoples who never been looked down and concederd second class human, I can tell from your words you never been on the receiving end of these words. Being a maid or nanny is not the problem, the telling off as the maid or nanny have to answer to ANY one lived and born into the white previlig, and you take it for granted you are better than anything else!!! I dare you, I double dare you or anyone who wants to cast the racism on me to tell me that since early life she haven't been looked down becouse of her background, skin colour, or called she is exotic - resembling you to an exotic animal you get on a safari trip ha!- or assumed you are less than other, even going to a club; always asked for ID but the white chick just right front of me no one bats an eyelid and let her go without stopping her to ask for an ID. When someone mistake you for a nanny in Europe is way different than ME, becouse only certain countries are allowed to have untrained labour to work these jobs, becouse not a North American, Australian, Europian country would allow their citizens to be " untrained labour" and occupation these jobs.... When you get into your villa, you'll find the Gardner coming in introducing himself to you and ask you if you would like to hire a Gardner, for me, it did happen that a Gardner come in leaned on the door and tried to struck a conversation with me and asked me about my madam.... Racism is everywhere, been practiced on daily bases among white privileged people and people of colour too. I try my best not to follow this cruel world, and set example to my children, becouse we are all humans, so side with your poor teacher please, say whatever you want to say about me, but again, think about the begging scams that done by people of colour and how you question yourself about how true it is, and that woman who called herself pillows that come over this board and started begging and many posters started giving her money, meds and all what she asked for, becouse she was white and appologitic - if you remember couple of years back on EW, and it went all ok until a poster said its illegal to give meds without prescription to people not intended to... And the scam been exposed and no one heard about her again. Rant over it Oh Gorabattie, your English is just fine, you manage to express yourself perfectly, please do not say I am twisting your words, you were the one who basically said a nanny was a second hand human, not me. That is not a lack of perfect english, that is you trying to take back your real thoughts and throw a racism card again.... And seriously, you know NOTHING about my life and the abuse I have been on the receiving end of. Just because my English is good... well, now who is assuming? Just because I choose not to talk about it, please do not assume I am just some white and therefore privileged woman, How hilarious can you be?!
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 20:57
:angry: To be honest I'm appalled by this! Suppose I am a maid or a nanny; does that give her the right to scold me? Another thing, was she that much blind to see how my children look exactly like me minus the skin colour? I'm fuming, can't and won't let it go, I had this bad treatment many times over the years and every time I correct the person and don't get an apology at all, I am really really ****** off! :angry: To me OP seems to be fuming about both being mistaken by a maid and the teacher feeling that it's ok to scold a maid which she wouldn't do to a parent. But the poor middle-aged teacher (a term just as judicial as the accusation itself) is getting the full load because apparently it has happened to OP before. Totally overreacting if you ask me. Just let it go. Life is too short to be bothered by these things. You seem to really have issue with me OD, that's fine with me, as it's your problem not mine. This poor teacher as you describe, was aware of my phone call to the school, stating that my car broke down and couldn't be fixed by myself and got AAA to tow it to the garage, and gave them expected time of my arrival with taxi, as I'm in the process of hiring a maid that I already issued her access card to the school, again the maid is at home in mirdif and the school in springs - long story you have nothing to do with- and then me showing up to school with sweaty attire and some dirt on my jeans, and my hands too. This poor teacher as your description thought it was ok to scold the help, as most of nannies, maids and drivers don't answer back, again there is plenty of families do let the help pick up the children, but not me; I wouldn't let my maid do the trip to pick up my children..... That poor teacher as you described "thought" she can scold a grown up person and get away with it, that poor teacher at start denied what she said, that poor teacher said sorry once she knew she was cought as my children witnessed her attitude toward me. As a classic victim blaming tactic you practic; to find a reason justify your personal attack, all I can say to you: you really need to practic yoga, so you can love yourself, really I don't write for you, and I hope this is my last post to you, and go ahead find another poster to pray on, in another thread I stated that I do not entertain any post or reply on my queries or rants, yet you keep getting yourself into it! I suggest you stay away from me, you already stated you don't like me, and that's ok with me, because that's your own problem not mine. Adios Gorobattie, you should look into the history of past post about maids, questions asked about helping them, work hours, general working conditions etc. Oopsiedaisy is always giving advice and is very invested in their welfare and wellbeing. Granted I don't always agree with her opinion on other things but regarding maids I couldn't agree with her more. Her reply was NOT a personal attack but an opinion. If you don't want ALL personal opinions on a open forum then I would suggest you find a group that will only ever agree with your point of view.
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 20:54
Gorobattie, you said (and I have copy and pasted as the rest of the section is too long) "[i'>This poor teacher as you describe, was aware of my phone call to the school, stating that my car broke down and couldn't be fixed by myself and got AAA to tow it to the garage, and gave them expected time of my arrival with taxi,[/i'> " If that is the case then the teacher would have known you were the parent, so why are you saying she thought you were the nanny... I think there is more to this story than you may even be acknowledging yourself. Also, for those saying that Gorobattie is not upset at being mistaken for being a nanny but that really she is only indignant that a nanny should be spoken to that way, I do not believe that is the case as she said (and again, I quote) " f[i'>or posters thinking it's not a problem to be mistaken for the help or nanny, it's clearly a statement from someone to tell" you are different and less than others" and want to tell these posters: count your blessings that you haven't reduced to be a second class human...[/i'>." She is actually saying that she thinks a nanny is a second class [b'>human[/b'> and is horrified at the teacher daring to surmise that she might be one!! CM, you might not be aware that English isn't my first language, but you keep playing with words, twisting it to showcase how bad I am, I don't have to prove myself to you, you can understand what you want to understand, English isn't my strong suite, but I try my best. To recognise rasist comment, treatments it's easy for anyone who've been subjected to it to recognise it/ identify it in a heart beat, again I can tell from you and whomever defend racist attitudes from white peoples who never been looked down and concederd second class human, I can tell from your words you never been on the receiving end of these words. Being a maid or nanny is not the problem, the telling off as the maid or nanny have to answer to ANY one lived and born into the white previlig, and you take it for granted you are better than anything else!!! I dare you, I double dare you or anyone who wants to cast the racism on me to tell me that since early life she haven't been looked down becouse of her background, skin colour, or called she is exotic - resembling you to an exotic animal you get on a safari trip ha!- or assumed you are less than other, even going to a club; always asked for ID but the white chick just right front of me no one bats an eyelid and let her go without stopping her to ask for an ID. When someone mistake you for a nanny in Europe is way different than ME, becouse only certain countries are allowed to have untrained labour to work these jobs, becouse not a North American, Australian, Europian country would allow their citizens to be " untrained labour" and occupation these jobs.... When you get into your villa, you'll find the Gardner coming in introducing himself to you and ask you if you would like to hire a Gardner, for me, it did happen that a Gardner come in leaned on the door and tried to struck a conversation with me and asked me about my madam.... Racism is everywhere, been practiced on daily bases among white privileged people and people of colour too. I try my best not to follow this cruel world, and set example to my children, becouse we are all humans, so side with your poor teacher please, say whatever you want to say about me, but again, think about the begging scams that done by people of colour and how you question yourself about how true it is, and that woman who called herself pillows that come over this board and started begging and many posters started giving her money, meds and all what she asked for, becouse she was white and appologitic - if you remember couple of years back on EW, and it went all ok until a poster said its illegal to give meds without prescription to people not intended to... And the scam been exposed and no one heard about her again. Rant over it
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 19:56
Gorobattie, you said (and I have copy and pasted as the rest of the section is too long) "[i'>This poor teacher as you describe, was aware of my phone call to the school, stating that my car broke down and couldn't be fixed by myself and got AAA to tow it to the garage, and gave them expected time of my arrival with taxi,[/i'> " If that is the case then the teacher would have known you were the parent, so why are you saying she thought you were the nanny... I think there is more to this story than you may even be acknowledging yourself. Also, for those saying that Gorobattie is not upset at being mistaken for being a nanny but that really she is only indignant that a nanny should be spoken to that way, I do not believe that is the case as she said (and again, I quote) " f[i'>or posters thinking it's not a problem to be mistaken for the help or nanny, it's clearly a statement from someone to tell" you are different and less than others" and want to tell these posters: count your blessings that you haven't reduced to be a second class human...[/i'>." She is actually saying that she thinks a nanny is a second class [b'>human[/b'> and is horrified at the teacher daring to surmise that she might be one!!
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 19:35
Comp, if you look at the David Icke forum you will find lots of that sort of thing.
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 19:28
Comp99 don't remember - it was so much rubbish about aliens and reptiles that I promptly left. I am sure a search will bring it up for you. OopsieDaisy FWIW I also agree with your initial post.
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 19:04
Just wait until someone calls you 'SIR'. No, not on the phone. TO YOUR FACE! :biggrin:
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 18:06
Well actually some would also disagree with that. (Reptilian blood line). I digress. Hahaha I have read about this - one of the most bizarre ideas floating around on the net. Can I have a link please? :thinking:
Latest post on 01 February 2016 - 16:12
Well actually some would also disagree with that. (Reptilian blood line). I digress. Hahaha I have read about this - one of the most bizarre ideas floating around on the net.