Dogs. |


Latest post on 05 March 2016 - 22:57

We are bringing our little doggie with us to Doha.
Probably be going into a villa in West Bay. Other than the compound where else can one walk their dog in West Bay?
Thanking you for any help with this.
Carter and Debs.

Latest post on 09 April 2016 - 02:00
Dog seen running loose in Dafna 5 area. Looked like a greyhound type.
Latest post on 07 April 2016 - 22:28
HI w are also relocating to Qatar so home school and doggie issues, do you recommend anything close to live dog friendly in that area and I think doha college is close anything else british system to recommend in that area, is it easy to bring the dog over and can this be done with visit visa or we need residence first to import the dog ? appreciate any advice thank you Hi Brownie, From what I have read the compounds seem dog friendly. We are arriving on the 21st of this month and are going to look in the West Bay area first as it has lots of parks and is on the beach. A lot of the compound villas in West Bay have access to a private beach. There is not a whole lot of information about where you can walk your dog, can't get anything from this site. As for bringing your dog you will need to arrange a doggie passport from your vet. If you go through a company like Petair as we did they will walk you through it all step by step. It takes about 3 weeks. Yes you will need resident visa before you can take your dog. My dog is only small and I have bought a doggie stroller much to the horror of my husband. That way if I can't ever walk him where I want to I will just pop him in the stroller. The whole moving thing is a real rigmarole. Please don't hesitate to ask me for anything you might want to know. Am only to happy to help. Good luck Debs
Latest post on 07 April 2016 - 15:58
HI w are also relocating to Qatar so home school and doggie issues, do you recommend anything close to live dog friendly in that area and I think doha college is close anything else british system to recommend in that area, is it easy to bring the dog over and can this be done with visit visa or we need residence first to import the dog ? appreciate any advice thank you