Tried and Tested: ‘Vampire Facial’ and MesoNatural Therapy in Oman |

Tried and Tested: ‘Vampire Facial’ and MesoNatural Therapy in Oman

Our Group Editor visited Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group to enhance her look the natural way

Posted on

8 November 2017

Last updated on 4 June 2018
Tried and Tested: ‘Vampire Facial’ and MesoNatural Therapy in Oman
Whenever anyone mentions the phrase ‘vampire facial’, our minds undoubtedly flash-back to the selfie shared by one particular Kardashian. 
You’d be forgiven if you had felt a little squeamish – so now, in an effort to bring light to the real truths of undergoing PRP Therapy, I underwent my very own ‘vampire facial’ in Dubai, as part of an overall Elite MesoNatural Therapy treatment to achieve boosted results. 
At the age of 25, cosmetic surgery or treatments are something I haven’t thought about too much yet – but in an age where looking fresh and youthful is the top priority for many, I fear the pressure of being flawless is one I can’t ignore anymore. My skin isn’t flawless; in fact, it has several flaws – riddled with scars from over the years, my very pale, sensitive British skin likes to turn red without warning at times. Add on top of that the weekly battle of blemishes and spots, my concealer is constantly my go-to best friend.  
So when the opportunity to try out a vampire facial (Elite MesoNatural Therapy which combines PRP Therapy & Microneedling) in Dubai for myself arose, I couldn’t say no… And I knew I was in superb hands at Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group.

What actually IS a ‘vampire facial’?

Basically, its PRP therapy – which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, and it’s a skin rejuvenation treatment that is a natural approach to anti-ageing by using the patient’s own blood. Now if you’re thinking woah, gross… Don’t be alarmed, the technicians remove a small amount of your own blood from you, which is then centrifuged to separate your red and white blood cells from your plasma. The result is a capsule of yellow liquid known as PRP. 
PRP is the concentrated part of the blood that contains the platelets, which are fundamental to the body’s ability to stop any bleeding and repair damaged blood vessels and cells. 
In the safe hands of Dr. Allen Rezai and his team, we began my treatment after a consultation to discuss my ‘problem areas’, what I can expect during the treatment and also the end result. 

How does PRP Therapy work?

Once your plasma is collected, a portion of it is then injected into the deep dermis or ‘fat layer’ of the skin using a very fine needle. If you’re squeamish around needles or despair at the thought of pain, don’t worry – your face is numbed for 30 minutes or so before the injections begin. 

Dr. Allen himself injected the PRP back into my face, at different points around my mouth, nose, eyes and temples. As an individual who doesn’t bow down to pain, it wasn’t uncomfortable whatsoever – and having a numb face helped, a lot. 

What are the benefits (and side effects) of PRP Therapy?

PRP therapy offers patients the opportunity to rejuvenate their skin, boost their collagen production and achieve a ‘regenerated’ look and feel for the treated area. 
Tried and Tested: ‘Vampire Facial’ and MesoNatural
You see, the platelets in your PRP contain substances called ‘growth factors’, which help to promote collagen growth, cell renewal and repair, the improvement of skin texture, elasticity, colour and tone. 
The best part about this cosmetic treatment is that it requires almost no down time, and there is absolutely no need for hospitalisation. Patients can expect minimal swelling or bruising that can last from 12 to 24 hours, or they may even experience a headache or feel a little faint. 
Honestly, I did feel a little woozy to begin with, but it soon faded; and I had the tiniest bruise on my arm where they had taken my blood. You’ll see in my after pictures that there was virtually no bruising from my PRP therapy treatment, and even the injection sites on my face weren’t hugely aggravated. 

What is Elite MesoNatural Therapy?

At Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group, patients have the options of MesoNatural Therapy (Dermapen Microneedling + Topical PRP) or Elite MesoNatural Therapy– which is a combination of PRP Therapy (Injections), and Dermapen Microneedling + Topical PRP. I tried the Elite MesoNatural Therapy. 
Following my PRP treatment, the remaining plasma was then used for the micro-needling procedure, which makes tiny, tiny ‘wounds’ in your skin which accepts the PRP serum. By combining both of these treatments, you effectively boost the achievement of the desired results by tackling your ‘problem areas’ from both inside and out. 

As you’ll see from the pictures and videos, my face was a little swollen for 24 hours post-treatment, but soon calmed down by the second day. If you’re wondering whether micro-needling is painful, I won’t lie to you – it’s ever so slightly uncomfortable. If you have a high pain threshold, you’d be just fine. Don’t forget that my face was still numb from before the PRP leg of the therapy, and so the micro-needling part felt like I was being brushed by a paint brush! 
If you are considering MesoNatural Therapy or PRP Skin Rejuvenation Therapy in Dubai, I highly recommend booking a consultation with Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group’s Dubai clinic and they’d be happy to offer advice and prices for you.