Breast Augmentation Surgery |

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery, EPCSG in Qatar have advice here on the the different range of treatments available.

Posted on

24 November 2014

Last updated on 4 June 2018
Breast Augmentation Surgery


Breasts are one of the defining features of being female, and have a significant influence upon a woman’s appearance and body image.  An increasing number of women are looking to improve or enhance their look, with breast surgery.

Dr Allen Rezai, a leading Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon of Harley Street, London, and leader of Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group in Dubai Healthcare City, offers a range of treatments, depending on what his patients are looking to achieve.  Smaller breasts can be made larger and fuller by using breast implants, a procedure known as breast augmentation. Conversely, breasts that are considered too large can be reduced in volume with a breast-reduction. A mastopexy, or breast uplift can be performed where the breasts are droopy, thereby improving the overall shape without significantly impacting on the size.  And finally, some breasts need a combination of an augmentation and a lift in order to achieve both a ‘perter’ and ‘fuller’ look. This can often be the case with post-pregnancy mothers who would like their breasts to return to the shape they had prior to giving birth.

With all of these options, Dr Rezai advocates a natural look - one in which the breasts look, feel, and move naturally. He utilises the least invasive approaches possible in order to achieve your desired result with minimal scarring.

elite plastic surgery breast augmentation


Breast Augmentation is by far the most popular procedure requested by women, in the UK and Middle East. Irrespective of anything you may have heard to the contrary, there are absolutely no medicines or exercises that are currently available to increase the size of the breast permanently, evenly and safely.

At present, the only recognised technique for increasing breast size is to insert an implant into a space created behind the patient’s own breast tissue. It is the size of this space (determined by your own anatomy), along with factors such as your height, width of your shoulders, width of your hip and chest size which determines the size of implant suitable for you. During the recent years fat transfer is also being used to increase the size of a breast, however, the results seem to be short lived and the procedure would need to be repeated at least a few times to obtain a more long-term result.

Ideal candidates for breast augmentation are women who have only ever developed small breasts, women who have lost breast size following weight loss or pregnancy, women who have lost a breast through cancer, women who have failed to develop one or both breasts or want to correct breast asymmetry.

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It is important that, before you see a surgeon, you consider what you are trying to achieve from your surgery. In particular, you must decide how large you want your breasts to be. There are technical considerations for many women as to how large the surgeon can make any particular woman’s breasts, and the aim should always be to create an end result that is in harmony with her figure and build.

Breast augmentation is generally performed under general anesthetic and may take between 30-60 minutes and patients are advised to stay overnight at the hospital.

The procedure starts by making an approximately 3-5 cm long incision. There are three incision areas widely used:

  • The infra-mammary incision (under the breast fold) - This is probably the safest and most commonly employed incision. After healing, the scar tends to be well hidden under new breast crease.

  • The periareolar incision (around the lower half of the areola) - This incision is favored by some surgeons. When it heals well, the scar is almost invisible. However, should the patient develop excessive scarring for any reason, then it will be particularly noticeable. It is also associated with a higher likelihood of breast feeding difficulties than the other incision options as periareolar incision involves cutting through the breast tissue. This may also increase the risk of changes in nipple sensation.

  • The axillary incision (in the armpit) – Only a small number of surgeons favour inserting the implants via a small incision in the armpit, primarily to place unfilled saline breast implants. Once the incision is made, a lighted camera (endoscope) is used to help tunnel through the subcutaneous fat to create a pocket for the implant. In these circumstances most surgeons would place the implant behind the pectoral muscle. This placement is associated with higher risk for revision surgery than other incisions.

There is also the transumbilical incision which is made in the belly button or umbilical channel, however this incision site has not been studied and is not recommended.

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Each incision has its advantages and disadvantages, Dr Rezai will advise of the most appropriate area for you at the consultation. Once the incision is made, a pocket is created where the implant is positioned in.

Dr Rezai explains that “Today there are essentially four locations within the breast where implants can be placed, each with its advantages and disadvantages. These are regularly referred to as sub-muscular, sub-glandular, dual plane and sub-fascia placement. Body size, shape and amount of breast tissue determine the type of implant placement suitable for a patient.”

Sub-glandular(sub-mammary) pocket

In the sub-glandular placement, the implant is inserted into a pocket created between the breast tissue and the pectoral muscle on the chest wall. This is probably the most commonly used pocket.
Suitability: Patients with adequate breast tissue (glands) to cover the implant.

Sub-muscular (sub-pectoral) pocket

In the sub-muscular placement, the implant is positioned into a pocket that the surgeon creates behind the pectoral muscle. Therefore, the implant lies between the muscle and the ribs.
Suitability: patients with little or no breast tissue.

Sub-fascia Pocket

For the sub-fascia placement, the implant is placed into a pocket created behind the fascia of the pectoral muscle. Therefore, the implant lies between the muscle and its fascia.
Suitability: patients with adequate breast tissue but in need of added support for the implant.

Dual Plane (partials) Pocket

In the case of the dual plane placement, the pectoral muscle covers the upper 1/3 of the implant, leaving the bottom of the implant free to descend into the sub-glandular breast pocket. The implant exists both under and over the muscle at the same time.
Suitability: patients with little or no breast tissue on the upper part of the breast but who have enough breast tissue in the lower part to cover the implant.

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Dr Rezai adds: “Meticulous examination and measurements are necessary before deciding on the type, size and placement of an implant. If chosen correctly and according to patients’ suitability, all placements should produce a Natural Look and feel”.

After the implant has been positioned in the pocket the incision is closed using dissolvable stitches and dressing is applied.

Following surgery some bruising and soreness is expected. The breasts will be firm and swollen at first, and will take several weeks to settle and adopt a more natural position, in some cases it may even take between 6-12 months for the breasts to completely settle in their final shape, especially if the implants have been placed under the muscle. Recovery period is longer following sub-muscular placement but it is all very individual and varies between patients.

It is required to wear a post-surgery bra continuously day and night for up to four weeks, with exception of one hour per day. During the first week after surgery, activities should be restricted as otherwise it will result in unnecessary complications. Most women resume normal activity after one week, however, exercise and strenuous activity should be resumed no sooner than 6 weeks after the operation

As a routine, Dr Rezai sees his patients at 7 days, 4-6 weeks and 9 months following their surgery to guide and advise them on what to do at each stage to improve and maintain their results and how to identify possible complications if they were to develop.

Cosmetic surgery is amongst the safest of surgical operations. However, all patients must understand and accept that no such procedure is absolutely free from risk. These risks and possible complications are discussed in details during consultation.

For the majority of women, the results of their breast augmentation are long lasting. However, women who opt for the much larger implants may find their breasts are more liable to sagging as they get older. Pregnancy and weight fluctuations are also factors that may alter the size and shape of the breast. It is also important to understand that breast implants of any type are not considered lifetime devices and cannot be expected to last forever. You may require future surgery for implant replacement or removal.

Dr Rezai is a leading specialist in breast surgery and he has performed thousands of cosmetic and reconstructive breast procedures. Women who have undergone breast surgery with him are some of his happiest and most satisfied patients, finding a renewed sense of self-confidence and zest for life.

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“At my practice we believe , not only in educating each one of our patients as to what is available and appropriate, but also in formulating a customised plan for each person.  We understand that everyone that walks through our doors is unique - with different anatomies, lifestyles, goals and personal circumstances. We also believe that truly successful results are achieved, not only with technical perfection, but with outcomes that best fit your individual needs and desires.  Plastic surgery with us is a consultative process - we want to understand what it is you want to achieve, and guide you towards the best and most cost-effective way of achieving it.”

         Dr Allen Rezai