Dancing in Public in Saudi Arabia Can Get You Arrested | ExpatWoman.com

Dancing in Public in Saudi Arabia Can Get You Arrested

What might seem to you like innocent fun might get you into trouble with the authorities!

Posted on

27 August 2017

Last updated on 27 August 2017
Dancing in Public in Saudi Arabia Can Get You Arrested

You might want to think twice before getting your dance moves on in Saudi Arabia as last week a 14 year old boy doing the Macarena at a traffic light was arrested for ‘violating public morals’.

This isn’t the first time that someone has been arrested in Saudi for their dance moves. A couple of weeks ago the Saudi singer, Abdallah Al Shahani was also arrested for doing the dab during a music festival.

SEE ALSO: Code of Conduct in Saudi Arabia

The dab dance move has been declared illegal in as it is seen to encourage drug use.

In 2016 a bunch of partygoers were also detained after a video posted on YouTube went viral. In the video participants were seen dancing together and drinking alcohol.

Western music and dancing is a taboo in Saudi Arabia.

It is seen to provoke people’s desires which may lead to haram (unlawful) behaviour. If you haven't seen the video of the 14 year old boy, you can watch it here: 

Traditional dances such as the sword dance are however permitted. 

SEE ALSO: 8 Things You Won’t Find in Saudi Arabia

If you want to dance in Saudi Arabia, rather keep it confined to your home with no video recordings to be on the safe side.