10 of the Most Beautiful Sunsets in Saudi Arabia | ExpatWoman.com

10 of the Most Beautiful Sunsets in Saudi Arabia

Take a moment to appreciate these sunsets in Saudi Arabia

Posted on

14 November 2017

Last updated on 14 November 2017
10 of the Most Beautiful Sunsets in Saudi Arabia

Winter brings a sigh of relief for all residents in Saudi as the hot temperatures steps aside for more breezy, comfortable weather. Of course, one of the other markers that it is winter, is that the sunsets become significantly more beautiful.

Who can resist pulling out their phone and snapping a picture of a gorgeous sunset? Here are 10 of the most beautiful winter sunsets in Saudi Arabia:

1. An Arabian night sunset


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2. There is nothing like a stroll along the beach at sunset


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3. This reminds us of the Lion King

4. Riyadh looks so peaceful at night


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5. We love the silver lining in this sunset

6. Driving off into the sunset

7. Add a refelction over the ocean and a sunset becomes considerably more mesmerizing


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8. The perfect way to enjoy our road trip rest breaks

9. As the caption says: "Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully."


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10. This golden sunset suits Saudi so well"