Share Your Recipes and Be Part of our Expat Foodie Community
Share your best recipes with us and be part of the ExpatWoman foodie community!
15 July 2021
Whether you're new to the kitchen, trying out new recipes, a seasoned home cook, or a professional chef, ExpatWoman would like to be part of your cooking journey.
Have a new recipe that you've tried recently? A time-tested traditional recipe that's been passed down in your family? Share your best dishes and we’ll feature them in our Recipes! Here's how.
How to share your recipes on ExpatWoman
You can share your dishes by emailing us at [email protected]
Be sure to send the following:
- The name of your dish (please mention the name of the dish in English).
- List of all ingredients needed and their measurements (for example: 1/4 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar).
- Complete step-by-step cooking instructions.
- At least one photo of the completed dish.
- Your own comments about the recipe (for example: Do you personally find the recipe easy or hard to do? Is the dish best suited for a particular season? Is the recipe fit for special occasions or a home meal?)
We're looking forward to seeing all your recipes and cook with you!