5 Food Resolutions That Are Sure-to-Fail | ExpatWomanFood.com

5 Food Resolutions That Are Sure-to-Fail

The curse of the new year.

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26 January 2017

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The idea of New Year resolutions, especially one pertaining to your health and eating habits is great.

Before you let remorse take over your life, know that the reason so many people end up failing in their self-improvement projects is because they make resolutions that require them to make a mammoth change at once.  
Confused? Here are some pretty common food resolutions that, unfortunately, are sure-to-fail: 
1. I’m quitting junk food 
I’m quitting junk food
Not even Victoria Secret’s super toned angels do that. Experts believe that cutting out indulgence may help you lose weight temporarily, but it will leave you feeling run-down leading to stronger cravings and possibly bingeing. Instead, try to cut down the intake by making 80% of the calories you consume healthy, and saving the remaining 20% for what may otherwise be considered junk.
2. I’m going on a ‘detox’ diet
I’m going on a ‘detox’ diet
What can possibly be wrong about drinking cleansing juices you might ask? To start, there is no scientific proof that could legitimise the benefits of a liquid-only diet. Second: Restricting yourself to liquid intakes will leave you with several side effects such as headaches, fatigue, moodiness, stomach pain and hunger pangs. 

SEE ALSO: 5 Healthy Food Items That You Should Actually Avoid

3. I’m going to stop dining out
I’m going to stop dining out
Unless you plan to cut your social life to zero and become the reason of eye-rolls on a table full of food – it’s better to order salads than not go out at all. Food experts recommend eating an apple or almonds before heading out — this will calm ravenous hunger that could otherwise make you order a double cheese burger. 
4. I’m going vegan 
I’m going vegan
Before you stock your fridge with foreign vegetables, know that eliminating meat from your diet doesn’t necessarily translate to a fab body. Vegetables like potatoes, peas and cabbage have hidden calories. The ideal balanced meal should be a mix of lean protein wrapped in green vegetables. 
5. I will give up ____ food 
I will give up ____ food
Chocolate, coffee, ice cream – fill in the blank with your guilty indulgence and you have a failed resolution right there. Quitting your favourite snack or food group altogether will just leave you in a crappy mood and serious cravings. Instead try reducing the intake quantity each day or replacing it with less unhealthy option.