How Much You Need To Run After Eating Your Favourite Junk Food |

How Much You Need To Run After Eating Your Favourite Junk Food

You better a buy a good pair of joggers.

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1 May 2017

How Much You Need to Run After Eating Your Favourite Junk Food

image credit: FitTalerz/Facebook

Ever wondered why almost everything delicious is also fattening?

There is something addictive about the thin salty crunch of a crisp, the cheesy richness of a burger and the swirling flavour of a chocolate dessert that defines everything good in life… And the size of our increasing waistline.

If you survive on fast food, take-outs and junk items, then what we’re about to say will break your heart. But given a choice, what would you choose — an emotional heartache or an actual one?
A health and fitness Facebook page, FitTalerz have created a series of viral images that mention the number of kilometres you need to run after eating your go-to snack item.

The distance is calculated keeping in mind the activity of 30-year-old male, weighing 70 kg and 180 cm in height, running pace 6:30 min/km.

Whether it’s a meal from a McDonald’s or a simple bar of Twix, these useful images give a reality check… Of the worst kind. So make sure you have your running gears ready for the next time you open a bar of chocolate or unwrap a Big Mac.

1. Better munch on a carrot instead of Snickers — unless of course, you like running until you faint.

Snickers calories

image credit: FitTalerz/Facebook

2. We love Nutella as much as you do but reality is always hard to digest.

Nutella in calories

image credit: Fittalerz/Facebook

3. If you thought a wrap is healthier than a burger, think again.

image credit: Fittalerz/Facebook

4. It would take us a lifetime or two to run for every time we ate these yummy delights.

image credit: Fittalerz/Facebook

5. Fried or baked — potato chips are off limits.

image credit: Fittalerz/Facebook

6. How far will you run for some cheesy lunch sins?

image credit: Fittalerz/Facebook

7. A can of soft drink vs an hour of your day spent sweating… Is it worth it?
