How Not To Be Hungry (All The Time) |

How Not To Be Hungry (All The Time)

Hungry even though you ate just an hour ago? Read this!

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19 February 2017

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The answer to this questions isn’t that simple.  

Stress, boredom, thirst, social approval, appetising food — we tend to fill up for a lot of reasons other than body nourishment.
Whatever the cause, you CAN beat these mortifying hunger pangs by implementing on some or all the tactics below:

1.  Don’t skip breakfast

Don’t skip breakfast
There’s a reason they call it the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast makes your already low morning blood sugar level drop even more — leading to massive cravings for rest of the day. Anything you eat in the morning gives you the much-needed metabolism boost to keep going until the next meal. 

2. Fool your cravings with scents 

Fool your cravings with scents
What passes through our nose, affects our brain. Just like lavender and spearmint are known to reduce stress, a whiff of peppermint, grapefruit or vanilla can help calm down the hunger pangs. According to a 2007 student from Wheeling Jesuit University, participants who inhaled peppermint every 2 hours had decreased hunger compared to those who didn’t. 
Celebrities like Jennifer Lopez are often spotted with a phial of grapefruit oil to curb hunger pangs. 

SEE ALSO: The Guilty Food Pleasures Of Hollywood’s It-Girls

3. Pause and visualise before you eat

Pause and visualise before you eat
‘’Am I really hungry – or just bored, thirsty or stressed?‘’
Just before you give in to the temptations, ask yourself if you really need the nourishment or you’re just bored, stressed or thirsty. Contrary to what many experts say, you really don’t need to eat every 2 or 3 hours —only when you’re actually hungry. 
Also, visualising yourself devouring a tub of ice cream and foreseeing the double chin it will result in will probably kill your appetite automatically. 

4. Regulate body sugar with proteins and fibres 

Regulate body sugar with proteins and fibres
Unlike carbs that turn to sugar and stimulate your body’s insulin— proteins stay longer in your body and help regulate the sugar level. Similarly, high fibre food like beans, broccoli and lentils take longer to digest so they make you feel fuller for longer.
Remember: The food you eat is supposed to satiate your hunger not increase it. 

5. Brush your teeth before sleeping

Brush your teeth before sleeping
How great does a fresh, minty mouth feel? Good enough that you will think twice before snacking late night. 
