Cabbage and Carrot Sambharo |

Posted on

15 August 2013


Anjana Chaturvedi

Cabbage and Carrot Sambharo

Cabbage and Carrot Sambharo


Carrot,grated- 2
Cabbage,shredded- 3 cup
Capsicum,juliennes- 3/4 cup
Turmeric powder- 1/2 tsp
Salt- to taste
Lemon juice- 2.5 tsp
Sugar- 2.5 tsp
Salt-To taste
Cooking oil- 3 tbsp
Mustard seeds -1.5 tsp
Asafoetida- 1/3 tsp
Curry leaves- 10
Green chilies,slit lengthwise-3


  • Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seeds.
  • When seeds start crackling add asafoetida,curry leaves and green chilies.
  • Now add turmeric powder and grated cabbage and saute for few seconds.
  • Then add capsicum juliennes, grated carrot,salt and mix well.
  • Cover and cook on medium flame for 2 minutes or till slightly cooked but remain crisp and crunchy.
  • Add sugar and lemon juice, mix well and remove from the gas stove.
  • Serve hot and fresh.
  • Serving suggestions- Serve as a salad, side dish or as a filling for sandwiches.
Cooks Note

Preparation time-15 min
Cooking time- approx 5-8 min
Cuisine- Indian,Gujarati
Type-side dish,salad

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