Behold: The Magical Cake That Changes Colour |

Behold: The Magical Cake That Changes Colour

So that's how the rainbow trend started.

Posted on

29 May 2017

video credit: CharlotteSometimes/YouTube

We’re kinda confused here; not sure whether to be impressed by a cake that changes colour or be revengeful because it looks like we’ve found the origin of the glorified rainbow trend.

It all started in 2015 when the avid baker and YouTuber, Charlotte Sometimes shared a short clip of a magical spinning cake that transforms colours depending on the angle it’s viewed from. And just like that, Charlotte (most probably) gave the world a trend to endlessly fuss about. In addition, she also created an easy to follow tutorial on how to create the stunning technique at home.

Now, before you get your DIY dessert tools out, get a cake decorating airbrush and an icing comb cause these are the two secret heroes behind this hypnotising dessert. From bluish purples to pinks and oranges, watch the video to see how Charlotte created this masterpiece.

PS: Don't forget to Boomerang the spin!

Colour changing cake

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