An offensive song radio stations keep playing it over and over. |

An offensive song radio stations keep playing it over and over.

Latest post on 22 September 2013 - 12:15

I heard this song months ago and didn't like what it was implying, yet all radio stations keep playing it.

the song I am talking about is: Robin Thicke's blurred lines. yes it is like the whistle song, still blured lines is all about rape.
this song really ticks me off and make me switch off the radio or turn the channel, however that's me who do this, however so many men( youth and young boys) and so grown up men do listen to this song, and it does really promote the rape culture, just read the lyrics and you will understand what I am talking about.

Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 12:44
I think part of the moral of this post is that women are gradually being reduced to mere objects. It's not just a matter of if u don't like it, then stuff's like a cancer, and very soon will affect all of us.--our daughters/nieces/granddaughters... Increasingly we see girls in videos wearing next to nothing or even nothing! while the men are so dressed up even with hats ..head to toe...Girls are gradually being taught that if you are not naked or lose, you won't find a guy.... We call for equal rights and respect, but we have not even shown ourselves respect. It starts with mothers, even within the small expat-woman circle, please be firm when your daughter puts on something inappropriate and explain that it just won't work. My two cents, and i'm quite happy that some schools have banned these songs...Would it stop students from downloading? NO! But then it puts across a message of supporting proper moral values, and that's what is important. ***LIKE*** Jay14: you're absolutely right.
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 11:17
[b'>hiccup -[/b'> I agree. However it's not just about this song. It's about songs of this nature generally being played on the radio, especially during certain hours when kids are more likely to hear it. They should just bring Radio Disney over here and we can be done with it! [b'> jay14 -[/b'> I definitely agree with you about objectifying women and I take it as far as treating women differently then men. I absolutely abhor when PE teachers use the term "girl pushups." I told my son that they are modified pushups and he should tell his teacher that. How about the boys who can't do traditional pushups, how bad it is for them socially and psychologically to be teased about having to do "girl pushups." It's the little things that we brush off as no big deal that get told to our sons and daughters throughout life that makes them separate and classify each other differently. Right now it's boys can do pushups and girls can ONLY do girl pushups. When they grow up, there are certain jobs for men (high level executives, technology, police, fire fighters, etc) and even when women get in these jobs they are paid less because they are thought of as inferior. [b'> Daza -[/b'> Blurred lines are exactly what they say. I'm sure [b'>most people use that term [/b'>in their daily life to mean when 2 seemingly different things run across each other making the situation confusing or more complicated than it should be. Had never heard the phrase (or the song) until I saw this thread !! lol And I have no idea what "girl push-ups" are either... *crawling back under my rock Like press ups but on your knees as oppose to on your toes I think :-)
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 11:16
[b'>hiccup -[/b'> I agree. However it's not just about this song. It's about songs of this nature generally being played on the radio, especially during certain hours when kids are more likely to hear it. They should just bring Radio Disney over here and we can be done with it! [b'> jay14 -[/b'> I definitely agree with you about objectifying women and I take it as far as treating women differently then men. I absolutely abhor when PE teachers use the term "girl pushups." I told my son that they are modified pushups and he should tell his teacher that. How about the boys who can't do traditional pushups, how bad it is for them socially and psychologically to be teased about having to do "girl pushups." It's the little things that we brush off as no big deal that get told to our sons and daughters throughout life that makes them separate and classify each other differently. Right now it's boys can do pushups and girls can ONLY do girl pushups. When they grow up, there are certain jobs for men (high level executives, technology, police, fire fighters, etc) and even when women get in these jobs they are paid less because they are thought of as inferior. [b'> Daza -[/b'> Blurred lines are exactly what they say. I'm sure [b'>most people use that term [/b'>in their daily life to mean when 2 seemingly different things run across each other making the situation confusing or more complicated than it should be. Had never heard the phrase (or the song) until I saw this thread !! lol And I have no idea what "girl push-ups" are either... *crawling back under my rock
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 08:52 I think you'll find that Grobattie is right, it's not subjective at all. Yet you've linked to one of the most subjective articles you could possibly find to 'prove' your point that it's not subjective. <em>edited by HereComesTheSun on 24/09/2013</em>
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 07:33
[b'>hiccup -[/b'> I agree. However it's not just about this song. It's about songs of this nature generally being played on the radio, especially during certain hours when kids are more likely to hear it. They should just bring Radio Disney over here and we can be done with it! [b'> jay14 -[/b'> I definitely agree with you about objectifying women and I take it as far as treating women differently then men. I absolutely abhor when PE teachers use the term "girl pushups." I told my son that they are modified pushups and he should tell his teacher that. How about the boys who can't do traditional pushups, how bad it is for them socially and psychologically to be teased about having to do "girl pushups." It's the little things that we brush off as no big deal that get told to our sons and daughters throughout life that makes them separate and classify each other differently. Right now it's boys can do pushups and girls can ONLY do girl pushups. When they grow up, there are certain jobs for men (high level executives, technology, police, fire fighters, etc) and even when women get in these jobs they are paid less because they are thought of as inferior. [b'> Daza -[/b'> Blurred lines are exactly what they say. I'm sure most people use that term in their daily life to mean when 2 seemingly different things run across each other making the situation confusing or more complicated than it should be.
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 00:36
I cannot believe this thread is still alive and feel bad feeding it, but Blurred Lines came out in March and was THE global No1 summer hit in many, many countries, 12 weeks at the top of Billboard etc etc and at the end of Sept EW gets all bent out of shape about it?? The arguments about rape lyrics have been done to death and the song is on the way out....think some of you might have missed the boat with the outrage, there will be be a new one along soon that you can be indignant about 6 months too late too! And allll the way back to OP - if you don't like your radio station, change it, nobody makes you listen to it.
Latest post on 24 September 2013 - 00:06
I think part of the moral of this post is that women are gradually being reduced to mere objects. It's not just a matter of if u don't like it, then stuff's like a cancer, and very soon will affect all of us.--our daughters/nieces/granddaughters... Increasingly we see girls in videos wearing next to nothing or even nothing! while the men are so dressed up even with hats ..head to toe...Girls are gradually being taught that if you are not naked or lose, you won't find a guy.... We call for equal rights and respect, but we have not even shown ourselves respect. It starts with mothers, even within the small expat-woman circle, please be firm when your daughter puts on something inappropriate and explain that it just won't work. My two cents, and i'm quite happy that some schools have banned these songs...Would it stop students from downloading? NO! But then it puts across a message of supporting proper moral values, and that's what is important. ***LIKE***
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 22:41
I think part of the moral of this post is that women are gradually being reduced to mere objects. It's not just a matter of if u don't like it, then stuff's like a cancer, and very soon will affect all of us.--our daughters/nieces/granddaughters... Increasingly we see girls in videos wearing next to nothing or even nothing! while the men are so dressed up even with hats ..head to toe...Girls are gradually being taught that if you are not naked or lose, you won't find a guy.... We call for equal rights and respect, but we have not even shown ourselves respect. It starts with mothers, even within the small expat-woman circle, please be firm when your daughter puts on something inappropriate and explain that it just won't work. My two cents, and i'm quite happy that some schools have banned these songs...Would it stop students from downloading? NO! But then it puts across a message of supporting proper moral values, and that's what is important.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 21:03
It's very possible. It may be shocking to people who haven't been around this type of lifestyle (ie urban setting, hip hop, down south, etc) but for those of us who have, then you can understand what he is saying based on the slang he uses. There's not one word of slang in that song that I haven't heard in my personal life while growing up. What does 'Blurred Lines' mean/refer to if we are talking 'street'?
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 18:11
If you don't like the song then the easiest thing to do is to just switch it off!! I guess no one is forcing you to listen to it.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 16:44
Just to clarify, the Robin Thicke song isn't about rape...when TI raps the part about giving her something that will tear her .... in two...he's boasting about his *ahem* size. I don't think it's possible for any of us to clarify the point definitively whether it is or isn't about rape. In all likelihood the meaning of the song (especially the title) was designed to be ambiguous in order to court controversy and garner publicity. It's very possible. It may be shocking to people who haven't been around this type of lifestyle (ie urban setting, hip hop, down south, etc) but for those of us who have, then you can understand what he is saying based on the slang he uses. There's not one word of slang in that song that I haven't heard in my personal life while growing up. I've read and re-read the lyrics ... there's nothing remotely rape related in them. "I know you want it" --- that's what d-bags tell themselves because they are self-centered, not because they'd rape someone! Talking about grabbing a girl's hair while they engage in intercourse...well for some people that's part of normal intercourse. It's distasteful and doesn't belong on the radio without proper editing. YES. But let's not go overboard and say it promotes rape, because it doesn't. That's a ridiculous notion made by people who don't understand hip-hop music/lifestyle.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 14:52
It seems quite a recent thing that songs with dodgy lyrics are so mainstream. There is much much worse out there (Ice T's 99 Problems springs to mind) but in the past you'd have to specifically buy songs with such content, they wouldn't just be played on the radio. It works both ways, Rihanna's Rude Boy sexualised men in not a very flattering way. Maybe you're too young but a few of us will remember Frankie Goes to Hollywood, 'Relax', or 'White Lines' (can't remember who sang that)? 'My Ding a Ling' by Chuck Berry was a bit risque. And what about some of Duran Duran's videos? Oh and just about anything penned by Shaun Ryder. I don;t wish to impose my views on others, but personally Bruno Mars annoys me more than this stuff. Or Tom Jones / Alicia Keys on the basis they have recently played in Israel. White Lines-Grandmaster Melle Mel. Loved that song. Was warning against drugs.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 14:30 I think you'll find that Grobattie is right, it's not subjective at all. It has been banned on several university campuses for a reason. People are very quick to dismiss things like this saying it's not a big deal but it IS a big deal. It's what our children hear and it sinks in. And don't say well turn it off because kids will hear it and probably know about it before we do. I cringe when I hear my kids singing some of the lyrics out there. There is little censorship nowadays. It affects society in general. I actually really like the music in this song but after seeing Thicke and Thicker twerking(?) to it it leaves little to the imagination. OP maybe write to the station or on their Facebook page. Being opposed to this does not in anyway detract from what happened in Nairobi. So we're not allowed to be concerned unless someone died? Agree with you Tru Blu.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 13:53
ON a day when 59 people have been murdered in a shopping centre with more held hostage and 60 people have been murdered in an attack on a church with over 100 injured, you are worried about a song? Switch it off and worry about something important Actually suze63, some could argue that tv, music videos, music lyrics, video games, internet etc is the root of much evil and poisons young minds. I am so saddened about what has/is happening in Nairobi at the moment, but this is not trivial. Not one bit. Our youth are being exposed to such awful things in this day and age and I fear what lies ahead <em>edited by Tru Blu on 23/09/2013</em>
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 13:43
Just to clarify, the Robin Thicke song isn't about rape...when TI raps the part about giving her something that will tear her .... in two...he's boasting about his *ahem* size. I don't think it's possible for any of us to clarify the point definitively whether it is or isn't about rape. In all likelihood the meaning of the song (especially the title) was designed to be ambiguous in order to court controversy and garner publicity.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 13:17
Just to clarify, the Robin Thicke song isn't about rape...when TI raps the part about giving her something that will tear her .... in two...he's boasting about his *ahem* size. I'm all for artistic freedom and freedom of speech, however I don't think this song be on the radio without editing since it's broadcast to everyone of all ages. Yes I can turn it off and I do. However, record companies should do a better job of making "clean" or "radio" versions of songs. Simply beeping out one word isn't enough, there's something called context! Also, back in the day, when radio DJs were actual DJs not just personalities...they would also mix the song so it would skip over the bad words. By the way, there are worse songs on the radio. I'm sure you've heard Soulja Boy "Crank That" --- look up what "superman" means --- it was consistently on the radio the last 2 years and it made me sick to hear kids singing "superman that whooooaaa" even though they probably didn't know what it actually meant. How about that suuuper catchy song, "Whistle Song." Have you seen those lyrics? I've heard kids singing that song over and over. Point being, parents should just be upfront with kids and tell them that these songs are inappropriate for them and then switch the channel.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 12:28
Was listening to Eminem this morning and wondering if the song here getting all the attention could be in the same satirical vein. Thing is, I'm old enough to know that Eminem is just messing, but not sure vulnerable kids would? Look at the outcry over Manson and the connection with say, Colombine, and even Eminem got caught up in that mess. Just reading the *lyrics* to this song is not only eye wateringly painful, taken out of context it could be read as pretty damn offensive. Comparing Eminem's music to Robin Thicke's is like comparing the Venus de Milo to a Playboy centerfold ;) lol! Wouldn't one of those dreadful old school types, and I think they stopped making new music back in the early 90's Who IS Thicke person? :D Have you ever watched the 80s American sitcom "Growing Pains"? This infamous singer is the son of the father on that show.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 12:25
Was listening to Eminem this morning and wondering if the song here getting all the attention could be in the same satirical vein. Thing is, I'm old enough to know that Eminem is just messing, but not sure vulnerable kids would? Look at the outcry over Manson and the connection with say, Colombine, and even Eminem got caught up in that mess. Just reading the *lyrics* to this song is not only eye wateringly painful, taken out of context it could be read as pretty damn offensive. Comparing Eminem's music to Robin Thicke's is like comparing the Venus de Milo to a Playboy centerfold ;) lol! Wouldn't one of those dreadful old school types, and I think they stopped making new music back in the early 90's Who IS Thicke person? :D
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 12:12
Was listening to Eminem this morning and wondering if the song here getting all the attention could be in the same satirical vein. Thing is, I'm old enough to know that Eminem is just messing, but not sure vulnerable kids would? Look at the outcry over Manson and the connection with say, Colombine, and even Eminem got caught up in that mess. Just reading the *lyrics* to this song is not only eye wateringly painful, taken out of context it could be read as pretty damn offensive. Comparing Eminem's music to Robin Thicke's is like comparing the Venus de Milo to a Playboy centerfold ;)
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 12:09
I learn something new every day :-) Thank you :-) No worries, I'm always happy to share the love when it comes to old school rap/hip hop :) I bet Ice T was laughing all the way to the bank when Jay Z sampled it, it would have garnered a few more airplay royalties than his ever could have.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 10:45
Only radio station I listen to in the car is . They just played Edith Piaf, which has to be considerably more uplifting than whoever this Thicke person is. Wouldn't subject myself or my kids to most modern pop music or commercial radio stations, it's like stuffing MacDonald's into your ears.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 10:34
Why are people coy about using the word "sēx"? It's the correct scientific word to describe a completely normal, [b'>everyday[/b'> physical process that is essential to the survival of the human race (and indeed all creatures). If it's censored on this forum, then it's going to be amusing when people try to post about Middlesēx University, which has recently opened in Dubai and is currently advertising on the radio. Your lucky husband :D :-P (sorry, had to do it) I don't have a problem with secks. (***). (I said on another thread, on babyfit, a few of our board members got banned for constant use of the word vagina - on a pregnancy board. I mean, the vagina is a pretty vital part in conception and birth). Secks aside, I just read the lyrics and thought how bad they were. A well written soft porn would be better than that! I think we could write an equally secksual song, maybe even more dirty, as the better your grasp on language, the better you can communicate messages, than this. As for the video, as I said, Alejandro by Gaga was worse, IMHO. And let's not forget Eminem. The song where he kills Kim in the lyrics (and sound fx). But I'm forgiving of him as I think he is a brilliant writer. He doesn't go for cheap McDonald's hits, like this. His lyrics are poetry. edited by EmmaRitz on 23/09/2013 edited by EmmaRitz on 23/09/2013 Was listening to Eminem this morning and wondering if the song here getting all the attention could be in the same satirical vein. Thing is, I'm old enough to know that Eminem is just messing, but not sure vulnerable kids would? Look at the outcry over Manson and the connection with say, Colombine, and even Eminem got caught up in that mess. Just reading the *lyrics* to this song is not only eye wateringly painful, taken out of context it could be read as pretty damn offensive.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 09:50
Jay Z's 99 problems hehe Daza but then Ice T was just as bad! I remember the album covers of his :-) Nope, Ice T did it first, google it, it's actually a top tune. Jay Z sampled it. I learn something new every day :-) Thank you :-)
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 09:42
Jay Z's 99 problems hehe Daza but then Ice T was just as bad! I remember the album covers of his :-) Nope, Ice T did it first, google it, it's actually a top tune. Jay Z sampled it.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 09:40
It seems quite a recent thing that songs with dodgy lyrics are so mainstream. There is much much worse out there (Ice T's 99 Problems springs to mind) but in the past you'd have to specifically buy songs with such content, they wouldn't just be played on the radio. It works both ways, Rihanna's Rude Boy sexualised men in not a very flattering way. Jay Z's 99 problems hehe Daza but then Ice T was just as bad! I remember the album covers of his :-)
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 09:39
Maybe you're too young but a few of us will remember Frankie Goes to Hollywood, 'Relax', or 'White Lines' (can't remember who sang that)? 'My Ding a Ling' by Chuck Berry was a bit risque. And what about some of Duran Duran's videos? Oh and just about anything penned by Shaun Ryder. I don;t wish to impose my views on others, but personally Bruno Mars annoys me more than this stuff. Or Tom Jones / Alicia Keys on the basis they have recently played in Israel. Nope, not too young. You're right, it's just that songs lately seem so much more *ahem* in your face about it all. I remember Radio One not playing FGTH but then they did
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 09:32
Maybe you're too young but a few of us will remember Frankie Goes to Hollywood, 'Relax', or 'White Lines' (can't remember who sang that)? 'My Ding a Ling' by Chuck Berry was a bit risque. And what about some of Duran Duran's videos? Oh and just about anything penned by Shaun Ryder. I don;t wish to impose my views on others, but personally Bruno Mars annoys me more than this stuff. Or Tom Jones / Alicia Keys on the basis they have recently played in Israel. Nope, not too young. You're right, it's just that songs lately seem so much more *ahem* in your face about it all.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 09:26
Can Madge Gustard please delete " everyday physical process". I wouldn't want Mr Suze63 seeing that!
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 09:24
It seems quite a recent thing that songs with dodgy lyrics are so mainstream. There is much much worse out there (Ice T's 99 Problems springs to mind) but in the past you'd have to specifically buy songs with such content, they wouldn't just be played on the radio. It works both ways, Rihanna's Rude Boy sexualised men in not a very flattering way. Maybe you're too young but a few of us will remember Frankie Goes to Hollywood, 'Relax', or 'White Lines' (can't remember who sang that)? 'My Ding a Ling' by Chuck Berry was a bit risque. And what about some of Duran Duran's videos? Oh and just about anything penned by Shaun Ryder. I don;t wish to impose my views on others, but personally Bruno Mars annoys me more than this stuff. Or Tom Jones / Alicia Keys on the basis they have recently played in Israel.
Latest post on 23 September 2013 - 09:23
very funny !! I was on a forum once that used to do that - substitute words with innocuous words like toast or hamster... met someone once who said she came from [b'>Stoasthorpe[/b'> :D Bwahahaha!