Living at The Marina. How do you cope |

Living at The Marina. How do you cope

Latest post on 28 September 2014 - 08:04
What to do cept wait it out and hope that the chaos moves further down the road by then end of the week. (sighs) yep :) just being a total moaner and feeling sorry for myself this morning.
Latest post on 28 September 2014 - 07:29
Beebers, Know what you mean, I have just come back in and it's a rubbish site outside my place. We did get a notice last week saying that this process will take a month. They are working their socks off down there, so I expect there'll be daily changes. I'm not having any problems crossing the roads mind you, I normally cross near BR and it's not far. What to do cept wait it out and hope that the chaos moves further down the road by then end of the week.
Latest post on 28 September 2014 - 06:51
Need to vent. Okay, so JBR road has come a long way and the traffic is clearing up, happy about that....but, my goodness...are they serious, taking away the pedestrian crossovers?? You can only cross at the signals now, which is inconvenient, but having to walk in the street to get to the signals, or jump over piles of dirt and dodge steamrollers--that is a bit much for me. Yesterday, one of the workmen lopped a brick over my head clearing it by a meter. Not sure how much more of this I can take!!!!
Latest post on 19 September 2014 - 09:01
In any other country this could not happen, but the authority in control here just couldn't give a flying flop!! We have not slept properly for 3 months now, this moring at 5:30 we thought a helicopter was landing on our balcony the noise was so loud and the apt was vibrating! I have emailed them and got a standard response that they are copying and pasting on their twitter account. Today though my blood was boiling as i ran through the junction by JBR and the Marina Wharf apts. School kids were navigating diggers and trucks without any crossing or control. I commented to the foreman as i ran through that it was disgraceful there are endangering the lives of school kids, let alone me, to which he replied 'No problem, what to do, its the RTA!' The total disregard for the residents is bewildering and only made worse that the press here are too spineless to report the reality. Wow rant over! Jen it is dangerous, I have crossed that road many times myself and there's no pelican or zebra crossing, you have to walk directly in front of the cars and hope one stops for you. They should have at least one guy helping people cross the road. It makes you wonder if anyone in an official capacity reads the EW boards ;). After I said that there had been issues crossing the road for a month and workers should be helping people across the road, lo and behold the next day guys were out with flags helping people across the road (coincidence??) Anyway just like to say that they have really come a long way and the roads in JBR are mostly clear at the Hilton end and are looking really good. They have been working flat out over the last week and you can see noticeable improvements by the hour. The transformation of the roads has been amazing in the last couple days. Just wish the No8 bus would start coming back down JBR instead of SZR now that the road is clear. <em>edited by Alismum on 19/09/2014</em>
Latest post on 17 September 2014 - 11:04
They are certainly making serious progress everyday. Definitely need to stay on your toes, as the diversions change daily
Latest post on 17 September 2014 - 10:55
Living in The Marina you soon learn to know which lanes to stay in and the best routes to take. Yes the tram will be finished and the chaos its caused has been horrendous but i still would not live anywhere else. The location and convenience is well worth it!
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 20:14
It is a nightmare these days. But, i heard on the Radio that it should be finished by the end of this month!!! Fingers crossed!!!
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 18:15
Lights and turning lane opened at the JBR end of the "Amwaj" bridge today. Gone from one lane to two plus service lane near Amwaj. Things looking better already :)
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 15:53
Am near the Le Royal Meridien end and it has at least improved over here. They opened up the traffic lights outside Murjan in the last few days which seems to have improved things.
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 15:49
Alismum how is the traffic getting into the Marina ( Around 7ish) , near the Yacht Club end? Sarah I can only see the traffic near the Marina Mall bridge end and the roads near the Hilton. The traffic is flowing a bit better now since they opened couple of the new roads a few hour ago, but it remains to be seen what will happen in rush hour. It's still very messy and could be a few more days until all the roads down JBR/Marina are open. Thank you Sarahlou, I just had a look and there are tailbacks now, must have opened one road and closed another.
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 15:33
Bless you sarahlou it's rubbish we live nearly opposite marina mall JLT and can see the havoc ! Hopefully it will be sorted soon, I saw what looks like the new tram going up and down the line earlier ....should be good when it's finally done and dusted !
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 13:03
Alismum how is the traffic getting into the Marina ( Around 7ish) , near the Yacht Club end? Sarah I can only see the traffic near the Marina Mall bridge end and the roads near the Hilton. The traffic is flowing a bit better now since they opened couple of the new roads a few hour ago, but it remains to be seen what will happen in rush hour. It's still very messy and could be a few more days until all the roads down JBR/Marina are open. Thank you
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 13:00
Alismum how is the traffic getting into the Marina ( Around 7ish) , near the Yacht Club end? Sarah I can only see the traffic near the Marina Mall bridge end and the roads near the Hilton. The traffic is flowing a bit better now since they opened couple of the new roads a few hour ago, but it remains to be seen what will happen in rush hour. It's still very messy and could be a few more days until all the roads down JBR/Marina are open.
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 12:11
Alismum how is the traffic getting into the Marina ( Around 7ish) , near the Yacht Club end?
Latest post on 16 September 2014 - 11:52
Good news, they opened some of the roads in the last hour or so, and traffic is flowing better.
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 16:01
In any other country this could not happen, but the authority in control here just couldn't give a flying flop!! We have not slept properly for 3 months now, this moring at 5:30 we thought a helicopter was landing on our balcony the noise was so loud and the apt was vibrating! I have emailed them and got a standard response that they are copying and pasting on their twitter account. Today though my blood was boiling as i ran through the junction by JBR and the Marina Wharf apts. School kids were navigating diggers and trucks without any crossing or control. I commented to the foreman as i ran through that it was disgraceful there are endangering the lives of school kids, let alone me, to which he replied 'No problem, what to do, its the RTA!' The total disregard for the residents is bewildering and only made worse that the press here are too spineless to report the reality. Wow rant over! Jen it is dangerous, I have crossed that road many times myself and there's no pelican or zebra crossing, you have to walk directly in front of the cars and hope one stops for you. They should have at least one guy helping people cross the road.
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 15:59
What really surprises me, brokers and LL are increasing the rent in this area?!! As if there is nothing going on and matter of days and everything shall go back normal.
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 15:58
Even walking is hazardous with a pram. It's like an ever changing cross country adventure! It's crazy, hopefully the main road will be finished tomorrow, it says 15th September in the info we had, and I see the road almost finished from my window. At the moment you take your life in your hands when you try to cross the road as there's no pelican or zebra crossing over the tram lines. The tram line is open 11th November.
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 15:27
In any other country this could not happen, but the authority in control here just couldn't give a flying flop!! We have not slept properly for 3 months now, this moring at 5:30 we thought a helicopter was landing on our balcony the noise was so loud and the apt was vibrating! I have emailed them and got a standard response that they are copying and pasting on their twitter account. Today though my blood was boiling as i ran through the junction by JBR and the Marina Wharf apts. School kids were navigating diggers and trucks without any crossing or control. I commented to the foreman as i ran through that it was disgraceful there are endangering the lives of school kids, let alone me, to which he replied 'No problem, what to do, its the RTA!' The total disregard for the residents is bewildering and only made worse that the press here are too spineless to report the reality. Wow rant over! I honestly feel for you. The traffic didn't move for half an hour and everyone was just beeping their horns. it would drive me mad
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 15:15
In any other country this could not happen, but the authority in control here just couldn't give a flying flop!! We have not slept properly for 3 months now, this moring at 5:30 we thought a helicopter was landing on our balcony the noise was so loud and the apt was vibrating! I have emailed them and got a standard response that they are copying and pasting on their twitter account. Today though my blood was boiling as i ran through the junction by JBR and the Marina Wharf apts. School kids were navigating diggers and trucks without any crossing or control. I commented to the foreman as i ran through that it was disgraceful there are endangering the lives of school kids, let alone me, to which he replied 'No problem, what to do, its the RTA!' The total disregard for the residents is bewildering and only made worse that the press here are too spineless to report the reality. Wow rant over!
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 14:55
It's awful :( I live in the marina and DS's nursery is in JBR. I just have to cross the bridge. It's very unsafe to cross the road with a pram. No signals, loaders, heavy trucks cars are on the road while pedestrians crossing. It's chaos unfortunately
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 13:36
My friend was stuck there for 2 hours not moving, because they closed a road and forgot to tell anyone! AVOID avoid the area at all costs!! Awful, hurry up November argh.... beach road beautification ;) Did you see they had taken the ferris wheel down at Safa Park?
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 13:31
Even walking is hazardous with a pram. It's like an ever changing cross country adventure!
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 13:24
My friend was stuck there for 2 hours not moving, because they closed a road and forgot to tell anyone! AVOID avoid the area at all costs!! Awful, hurry up November argh.... beach road beautification ;)
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 13:21
It is nuts right now. I refuse to go anywhere I can't walk, except on early Fri/Sat mornings. Luckily my commute to and from work hasn't been too harrowing. Nothing worse than back home anyway. I wasn't too happy about having to cross a freshly asphalted street yesterday, despite the gestures of the construction guys saying it was okay. I put my foot down....STICK. Lovely!!!!
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 13:12
I thought you were in the Greens? You could have walked quicker.... I was at the walk. What didn't help was people managing to create two lanes where there is only one! Bottleneck city
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 13:11
My friend was stuck there for 2 hours not moving, because they closed a road and forgot to tell anyone! AVOID avoid the area at all costs!! Awful, hurry up November
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 12:43
I thought you were in the Greens? You could have walked quicker....
Latest post on 14 September 2014 - 12:42
It took me 90 minutes to drive from The Sheraton to SZR yesterday afternoon The traffic is terrible and I do pity anyone that lives there whilst the tram is being built <em>edited by sarahlou123 on 14/09/2014</em>