Male cleaner in girls bathroom in school |

Male cleaner in girls bathroom in school

Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 23:58
I've only ever seen male cleaners at our school and I believe most of the PE or swimming teachers are also male. I don't have a problem with it - your Head Teacher is male, does that bother you also ? DT, I cannot believe you have written this and think for one minute it is acceptable policy to place children at risk. Does your Head teacher go sit in the girls’ bathrooms with his phone during the busiest period of the day or do you think should he need to send someone in he would send a female member of staff? Seriously please tell me what risks you do not see? Do you think because we live in Dubai children are not at risk from predators? A litte more research and you will find the risks are very real in a school environment. edited by Lolacat on 05/10/2014 Just answering the question.... Our cleaners don't start until school is finished, all parents and visitors need security passes to enter school and our head is female. I trust the school to carry out all the necessary checks before employing any of the staff.
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 20:31
The security is also of concern to me as all parents drivers nannies etc walk in the gates freely at pick up, if anyone wants to do something horrid its so easy, u walk right into the school with no check...parents id shld be mandatory if required to enter school premise.parents wait in the heat outside the gates till the gate is opened, making no sense if no security once the gate is opened in my opinion. I have another question, would you be ok with a male teacher for early years? I have never dealt with this but a friend of mine has a male teacher for her DD year 1 and she isnt too pleased..what are your thoughts? I'd have no issues at all with a male teacher. Especially if he's like the current one my friend has for her DD in year 1. I've seen him in action (helping settling a child a couple of times) - terrific! From the safety perspective, I wouldn't worry. Unlike the cleaner situation (when a child could be on her / his own in the toilet), a teacher is very very rarely alone with a child. There are other kids in class, TAs, etc... I do hope you are right about no male cleaners during school hours. I thought I saw a couple in the morning after one of the parents' workshops, but perhaps I'm wrong... edited by NewbieD on 05/10/2014
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 19:52
I have another question, would you be ok with a male teacher for early years? I have never dealt with this but a friend of mine has a male teacher for her DD year 1 and she isnt too pleased..what are your thoughts? I would absolutely be ok with this. If my children are attending a school I have to have enough trust in the school that they have done the necessary background checks on all teachers, male or female.
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 19:29
Hi, Our school has male cleaners too and brought to the head teachers attention. The cleaners are still male but have not been around after that. I dont know why they are allowed to hire male cleaners in the first place.The security is also of concern to me as all parents drivers nannies etc walk in the gates freely at pick up, if anyone wants to do something horrid its so easy, u walk right into the school with no check...parents id shld be mandatory if required to enter school premise.parents wait in the heat outside the gates till the gate is opened, making no sense if no security once the gate is opened in my opinion. I have another question, would you be ok with a male teacher for early years? I have never dealt with this but a friend of mine has a male teacher for her DD year 1 and she isnt too pleased..what are your thoughts?
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 18:10
Fantastic thank you! If nt get me on Facebook, I still haven't had a reply as I'm nervous about putting her back in Tuesday without an explanation. But I've got to work aswel. :/ something more needs to happen about this we can't let it lie :)
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 14:31
Hi OP! I don't doubt u for a minute because I know which school u are asking about I think I may have even spoken to your husband about this! I have already lodged an email complaint and waiting to hear back from the school as my little girl also attends this school and I do not for one minute agree with male cleaners being anywhere near the toilets esp when some of the locks are broken??!! We need to take this further?? I've been trying to see the original post here but can't on my phone or some reason I'm not sure if u are the lady who noticed the male cleaners (I spoke to her husband on Thursday as I was also worried) or if you have just heard from them what was happening. But this is def not a "dodgy thread" because I too have a little girl who's 5 in that same school and have written a letter of complaint to the school and want answers <em>edited by LannyDuff on 05/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 12:07
Because it will look better if you take further action, (which you should) by not having information that will recognise you as the parent and could be used against you in any way. You have the information you now need on how to proceed, so now write to admin and ask for the thread to be deleted. You can also ask for a name change from admin. Any more info you require can be asked in a more generic way without specifics. I know you wrote those in response to a poster doubting your motive, but in future just ignore so you do not write to much personal information that could potentially compromise.
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 11:18
At our school only female cleaning staff are allowed on the premises during school hours. After hours a team of male cleaners come in. I see them being dropped as we leave the school premises. The PE teacher is male (who conducts swimming lessons) and I don't have a problem with this. I have witnessed the lessons on occasion and he is not in the pool with the kids, he stands on the side. The female classroom assistants take the girls into the change rooms and help them if need be.
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 10:04
I've only ever seen male cleaners at our school and I believe most of the PE or swimming teachers are also male. I don't have a problem with it - your Head Teacher is male, does that bother you also ? DT, I cannot believe you have written this and think for one minute it is acceptable policy to place children at risk. Does your Head teacher go sit in the girls’ bathrooms with his phone during the busiest period of the day or do you think should he need to send someone in he would send a female member of staff? Seriously please tell me what risks you do not see? Do you think because we live in Dubai children are not at risk from predators? A litte more research and you will find the risks are very real in a school environment. edited by Lolacat on 05/10/2014 You would think if there ever was a time to be a doubting Thomas this would be it.
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 08:05
I am the Op of this post and quite concerned at the last three replies where it has been suggested that my post is not genuine!! My choice of words "I have heard" are obviously being misinterpreted as if I am not sure of the events which my post relates to, you ladies must not use the phrase in the same context as I. The "I have heard" is based on the fact that I have heard" from my daughter who attends the school and also from my husband who was in the school corridor last Wednesday for twenty minutes waiting to pick up our daughter during lunchtime and witnessed the male cleaners with the phones and coming out of the girls bathroom. Our next time in the school was when I brought my daughter in on Thursday morning and I then came face to face with the male supervisor of the cleaners, he himself in the girls bathroom getting a sweeping brush! So my post is not anything other than a post of an extremely worried parent looking for advise on whether this is common practice in Dubai and trying to find out what I can go about it. Thank you to all the others who have answered with advise on what to do. I spoke to the parent relations executive at the school after seeing this thurs morning who said she wasn't aware if it, then got an email from the principal who also said he wasn't aware if it either. The school has been open for four weeks now so this is of even more concern that I had to raise this with the school. Now my dilemma is what to do from here and don't feel in anyway at ease bringing my daughter to school next week. I queried why there were male maintenance and cleaners wandering around the school on the second day of term as this was something that concerned me and met with the principal to discuss it at which time he told me this was Dubai culture!! I did not realize the extent of it regarding the toilets until last Wednesday and Thursday. Please let me know anyone is this the same in other schools Or do yer schools have female staff only (apart from teachers). Also the swimming teacher is male which I don't think is appropriate either for little girls, please let me know yer thoughts on this. edited by dubaisummer14 on 05/10/2014 Don't be surprised or concerned about doubts on your post. There has been loads of posts on here lately that seem to have been made up. It is NOT Dubai culture at all to let male cleaners in and out of kids toilets "willy nilly" and is unacceptable. There is plenty of time for cleaners to enter toilets when children are not there. Your school have a responsibility (not sure it is compulsory) to train all staff members on child protection and this includes the cleaners. Whether they do or not is up to them but if they are letting the cleaners do this then I would NOT be comfortable with my child going to that school. I would advise that you and your husband sit down with the head and discuss further. I also advise that this is brought up with other parents of the school to get the matter resolved. If you don't get any joy then, I would probably remove my child from the school. Don't be offended by this but I find it very hard to believe that in this day and age, even in Dubai, this is found as normal behaviour, by any school. So I'd be eager to get this sorted with the school asap and confirm with them that the number one priority in school is the childs safety. In DD school they only have female cleaners who are all trained on child protection. They are never allowed to go into the toilets whilst children are there. <em>edited by Mollydxb on 05/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 07:51
Our school (which coincidentally has two new "sister" schools opened) has both male and female cleaners (there seem to be no rule which areas are cleaned by females only). The issue of male cleaners has been addressed a number of times with the head and KHDA - with no result whatsoever. Puzzles us too, as the cleaning company is contracted and they could have requested female only. Male PE or swim or any other teacher (or nurse / doctor coming to think of it) doesn't bother us in the least.
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 06:58
I've only ever seen male cleaners at our school and I believe most of the PE or swimming teachers are also male. I don't have a problem with it - your Head Teacher is male, does that bother you also ? DT, I cannot believe you have written this and think for one minute it is acceptable policy to place children at risk. Does your Head teacher go sit in the girls’ bathrooms with his phone during the busiest period of the day or do you think should he need to send someone in he would send a female member of staff? Seriously please tell me what risks you do not see? Do you think because we live in Dubai children are not at risk from predators? A litte more research and you will find the risks are very real in a school environment. <em>edited by Lolacat on 05/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 06:52
I never doubted you as this has been an issue in other schools where I know parents have got involved. I’m also stunned that anyone can believe for one minute this is acceptable, I can only think they are extremely naive are downright dumb. It’s not acceptable at all and without question you should file a complaint with KHDA. Men in girls changing rooms and bathrooms is a complete no no anywhere in the world in a school. [b'>You must take this further and you certainly are not being ridiculous. [/b'> I would be removing my child from such a school asap where a Head responded in such a way. But i also suggest you remove your posts or have the thread deleted . <em>edited by Lolacat on 05/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 05 October 2014 - 01:50
I've only ever seen male cleaners at our school and I believe most of the PE or swimming teachers are also male. I don't have a problem with it - your Head Teacher is male, does that bother you also ?
Latest post on 04 October 2014 - 23:49
This does not match with my experience of Dubai.
Latest post on 04 October 2014 - 14:41
If this is a genuine post then I'm pretty sure you would have already discussed this with the school. I look forward to hearing about what the school had to say and what was resolved. Emphasis on "if" There have been a lot of very dodgy school related posts on here recently. This one smells all wrong to me. "I have heard..."
Latest post on 04 October 2014 - 07:11
If this is a genuine post then I'm pretty sure you would have already discussed this with the school. I look forward to hearing about what the school had to say and what was resolved.
Latest post on 04 October 2014 - 03:24
Oh my god! I am.absolutely paranoid when it comes to such issues, having read about so many incidents recently. Now that the OP has had her concerns reaffirmed..i would urge her not to waste any.time in contacting the school. I have especially come onto the post to request OP to please.let us know how did the school actually react and what steps they took to correct the situation.
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 11:15
I absolutely agree that male cleaners should not be allowed in the girls toilet. And certainly should not have their phones out going into [i'>either[/i'> toilet. And I definitely think the headteacher should be approached. However, sadly, it must be remembered that women can be as dodgy as men.... Should female cleaners be allowed to clean the boys toilets? Just because it's less likely doesn't mean they haven't been pressed into taking photos for someone. I would suggest that the school a) does not allow any cleaner to clean the children' toilets during break times (there is no need, it can be done after. When I was at school the janitor cleaned after school hours) and b) that phones are not allowed whilst they are working (there are plenty of businesses where personal mobile phones are not alowed during work hours)
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 10:20
Oh god - I would be having strong words with the principal and lodge a complaint with KHDA asap, please please do this quickly, you just never know. Your maternal gut instincts have kicked in and you have EVERY right to be concerned. Having cleaners in the loo at lunch with mobile phones and males in female loos is completely wrong. 7 days letter perhaps, to set an example to other schools that this is not right? xx
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 09:41
You need to speak to the Head ASAP about your concerns. You need to formally document your concerns in writing to the Head and SMT, also informing them that you are reporting the issues to KHDA. You need to go visit KHDA and get them on the case. KHDA are brilliant at dealing with such issues and will get involved if they see fit. They are in Academic City and you can just walk in and you will be amazed at how incredibly good they are. But tbh I would be exiting out of such a school without question, this a massive breach of safety and a lapse of duty of care. It also says a lot about the ethos of a school allowing such issues to even happen, new or not, there is no excuse; it’s hardly rocket science.
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 08:42
Go straight to the school and tell the head teacher that this is highly inappropriate if it is happening. I would be as stubborn as can be on this point. Even the malls have ladies cleaning the ladies rooms - and grown women are capable of yelling if they are in fear, whereas little girls are not as capable. There is no negotiation, no discussion - tell the school it is not on - restaff. Couldn't agree more. At my child's school I see only female cleaners. And parents have to wear their ID badges, otherwise they won't be allowed to enter. I had to walk back to the car to get it when I forgot. It seems your DD's school needs to beware of these things. Go talk to the principal today.
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 08:40
And tell the head teacher that phones could be being taken into the washroom. If it is a new school, there is a very good chance that they do not know and would not let it happen if they did. New schools have a lot of things to do, as parents you can help the school by being their eyes while their eyes are sorting other new and important things.
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 08:36
Go straight to the school and tell the head teacher that this is highly inappropriate if it is happening. I would be as stubborn as can be on this point. Even the malls have ladies cleaning the ladies rooms - and grown women are capable of yelling if they are in fear, whereas little girls are not as capable. There is no negotiation, no discussion - tell the school it is not on - restaff.
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 08:35
Pls pls pls bring this up to the school's attention - the principal and the parent reps too. This is quite serious and totally unacceptable. I know of an incident that happened in one of the schools. I think it should be a regulation that only ladies can work as cleaners in schools, at least during school hours. That school later changed their policy of hiring only female cleaners (outsourced) during school hours. <em>edited by mumcurious on 02/10/2014</em>
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 07:47
I have always wondered about this. It gets even more convoluted that most schools hire out cleaners on a contract from a company and respond to a different line of command. They are not trained by the school nor are they answerable to them. And they work in close proximity to loads of children. I have always found this such an obvious lapse that its strange it continues to work.
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 07:38
Absolutely NOT appropriate ! You should certainly speak to the Principle, who probably doesn't even realise how the cleaning is managed, they may have a 3rd party company hired to do the work. I am sure the school principle will share your concerns and do something about it very quickly.
Latest post on 02 October 2014 - 07:06
I don't have experience with this in Dubai. As a mom, I would definitely be concerned. I would go speak to the principal and have him/her explain their safety procedures in school. Why are the cleaning personnel in the bathrooms during lunch? Why do they carry their cell phones? That's quite suspicious. Maybe they're making personal calls but it still appears suspicious. Why are male cleaners cleaning the girls bathroom? That's inappropriate. Ask about their security procedures as well. You don't have to search on google if your instinct tells you something feels off. You're children should be kept safe and if you feel they may not be, then go question it. Good luck!