Expats in NGOs/NPOs | ExpatWoman.com

Expats in NGOs/NPOs

Latest post on 01 January 2000 - 00:00


Latest post on 04 April 2017 - 14:59
Hi everyone! I am a former expat who lived in Cambodia and the Philippines until recently. I am doing my MSc in Organizational Behaviour and would tremendously appreciate it if you could take just a few minutes to take part in my survey. I am looking for expats who work in NGOs/NPOs in developing countries. This is the link to my survey: https://bbk.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/expatriatecommitmentngonpo The survey looks at expatriate type, marital status and their impact on your organizational commitment. Gaining more understanding of your organizational commitment can help make sense of potential repatriation thoughts you may have, but also to be more aware of the different ways you relate to your host-organization. Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous, and you will not be required to provide your name, any other identifying information or to sign up. If you have any questions, do let me know! Since I am not looking at a single organization, I am relying on the help of my fellow expatriates! Many thanks! meggie25