10 Thoughts Everyone Has on a Long Day at Work | ExpatWoman.com

10 Thoughts Everyone Has on a Long Day at Work

Work days can sometimes be long and exhausting, so it’s no wonder when your mind keeps drifting off…

Posted on

4 July 2017

Last updated on 6 July 2017
10 Thoughts Everyone Has on a Long Day at Work

While some days at work are super busy and pass by quickly, there are other days when time seems to be passing by in slow motion. During those days, you’ll find yourself thinking unproductive thoughts.

Whether you voice them or not, you’ll probably find these very familiar…

1. How has it only been 5 minutes since I last checked the time?


2. This meeting could have been an email


3. Why is the internet SO slow?

Slow internet

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4. How long until lunch?


5. I need more coffee. Need. More.

Need coffee

6. Why is it so cold in here?


7. Is it pay day yet?


SEE ALSO: Business etiquette in Kuwait

8. Lunch is over, what do I have to look forward to now?


9. Well, I literally have done zero work so far

No work

10. If one more person asks me if I’ve “got a sec” I will lose it
