9 Ways to Get Your Strawberry and Cream Fix | ExpatWomanFood.com

9 Ways to Get Your Strawberry and Cream Fix

Red fruit, rich cream – nothing says summer like strawberries and cream

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2 July 2019

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9 Ways to Get Your Strawberry and Cream Fix

All Credits: PA

The likes of Serena Williams, Andy Murray, Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer will be taking to the pristine grass courts of Wimbledon in their equally pristine whites this week.

And while they’ll likely be sticking with their nutritionist-approved diets, for the rest of us, the tennis tournament means one thing: Strawberries and cream – and lots of it.

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Here’s a myriad ways to get your fill this summer…

You’ve got to start simple with a bowl of cream topped up with strawbs. Home-grown preferably, but shop bought is fine – just don’t keep them in the fridge, they’ll lose all their flavour.

Regardless of where you fall on the #jamfirst or #creamfirst debate, and whether or not you live in Cornwall or Devon, fresh strawberries with a cream tea is only ever a good idea.

Layer them up – additional blueberries optional.

Arguably better than a raspberry ripple, clotted cream ice cream spun through with fresh strawberries and strawberry jam is undoubtedly a winner.

Thick cream, crisp pastry that shatters beneath your fork, and sweet strawberries – it’s got to be done.

You’ll feel like you’re in an American teen movie sipping one of these.

Sure, they’ll probably melt in this heat, but then molten Lindt still sounds spectacular.

Another absolute summer garden party classic, the chewy meringue in the middle is the best bit.

Because strawberries and cream make perfect sense at breakfast too.
