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Cookery & Baking

13 Edible Reasons To Fall In Love With Philippines

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15 November 2021

13 Edible Reasons To Fall In Love With Philippines

It may not be as popular as its neighbouring cuisines (Chinese or Thai) but Filipino cuisine has its distinct flavours that are hard to find anywhere else in the world.

If you doubt our words then listen to world’s renowned chef, Anthony Bourdain, who believes Filipino food is the next big thing. TBH, with so many expat-Filipino fellows living here in the UAE, it was just a matter of time that we got the whiff of their underrated Asian cuisine.

What to Do With Your Leftover Halloween Pumpkin

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27 October 2021

What to Do With Your Leftover Halloween Pumpkin

It’s spooky season which can only mean one thing… pumpkins! So, get your tools out and prepare to not only carve but also cook this fresh and flavoursome squash.

Tens of thousands of pumpkins are sold at Halloween each year but this cause a frightening amount of waste, as the carved veggies are left to rot on front steps.

It’s a shame considering pumpkins are packed full of vital vitamins and veggie goodness, so here’s how to put your Jack-o’-lantern to good, edible use…

10 Genius Ways To Make Lunchbox Sandwiches Fun For Your Kids

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27 September 2020

Lunchbox Sandwiches Fun Ideas

Between hectic mornings, burnt toasts and bus horns, sandwiches are pretty much your only option to fix a quick lunchbox for your kids. But smearing the same old peanut butter jam between two toasts won’t get you the cool-mom title.

Below are some cool ideas to add some a fun-twist to your regular sandwiches. All you need are basic sandwich ingredients, cookie-cutters, colouring pens and 10 minutes in the morning to make these delightful surprises.

These pretty-looking sandwiches will definitely put a smile on your baby’s face — every single time

9 Ways to Get Your Strawberry and Cream Fix

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2 July 2019

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9 Ways to Get Your Strawberry and Cream Fix

The likes of Serena Williams, Andy Murray, Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer will be taking to the pristine grass courts of Wimbledon in their equally pristine whites this week.

And while they’ll likely be sticking with their nutritionist-approved diets, for the rest of us, the tennis tournament means one thing: Strawberries and cream – and lots of it.

SEE ALSO: 7 Magical Beauty And The Beast Inspired Desserts

The Amazing Garlic Peeling Trick – And Other Fruit and Veg Hacks You Need in Your Life

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19 June 2019

The Amazing Garlic Peeling Trick

Garlic is an absolute staple in most kitchens, but how many hours of your life have been spent cracking open bulbs and peeling those fiddly, papery skins from the cloves?

It’s annoying at best, and enough to make you throw dinner on the floor and call in takeout, at worst.

SEE ALSO: This is How Insects are Eaten Around the World

This is How Insects are Eaten Around the World

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16 June 2019

This is How Insects are Eaten Around the World

From wasps and hornets to spiders and crickets - would you try these delicacies?

You’re not alone if you watched Timon and Pumbaa singing Hakuna Matata while eating big fat grubs in The Lion King, and thought: ‘I wonder what those actually taste like.’

In Britain, insect-eating has not yet caught on (although you can order edible critters online, and the odd snack pack of crickets can be found in specialist supermarkets), but we’re somewhat behind.

6 Ways To Make The Most Of The Jersey Royals Season

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29 April 2019

Jersey Royals Season

While you might be happy with your standard baked potato, true potato aficionados will know that the season for some of the greatest to be unearthed, is now: It’s time for Jersey Royals.

These creamy, flavourful potatoes have been carefully grown in the Channel Islands for more than 140 years, and the first of this year’s golden batch are now available.

Here are six ways to enjoy them (although we’d totally just recommend a good knob of butter and some salt and pepper)…

This Is the Secret to Making the Perfect Pasta Dish

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25 October 2018

Secret to Making the Perfect Pasta Dish

Even the most inexperienced of cooks will know how to whip up a bowl of pasta.

However, with the rise of the healthy eating movement, many people are shunning pasta because of its mixture of carbs and gluten. Pasta sales are in decline, and our reticence to boil up some spaghetti is something we’re looking to rectify.

As it’s World Pasta Day, our experts have got us some top tips on how to make the perfect pasta dish. Spoiler alert, it may seem simple but you’re probably cooking pasta all wrong!
