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Cookery & Baking

14 Cooking Mistakes You're Probably Making

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16 August 2016

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To help you avoid any cringe-inducing moments while cooking and with your foodie friends, here's some mistakes to steer clear of and advice on how to help you fix them. 

1. Not tasting your food while cooking
Recipes don't always call for the right amount of seasoning, cooking times are estimates and results may vary depending on your ingredients, your stove, your altitude... And a million of other factors. At the end of the day, your palate is the control factor. Trust your taste buds!

All You Can Eat in Brazil

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8 June 2016

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All You Can Eat in Brazil

There are a number of things that Brazil and its people are famous for and passionate about, from football players to supermodels. From its pristine beaches, like Copacabana and Ipanema to the rain forest of Amazon. It is also famous for its annual festival, the Mardi Gras, a grand and colourful carnival anticipated by locales and tourist alike.

A Lazy Girl's Guide to Fixing Cake Cravings

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22 March 2015

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Being a foodie is not easy. I'm always torn between wanting to eat healthy and staying away from sugar forever. Another option and the most feasible one so far is to give in to the dark side and stuff my face silly with cake. Always, the latter wins because who would not want to eat cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner? 

I discovered the wonderful world of microwaving a cake batter for a minute and a half and a magical moist chocolate cake will appear. In my astonishment they always fill into that gaping hole that a bad cake craving inflicts upon my sugar hungry soul. 

Discover the Power of Mangosteens and How to Use Them

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12 February 2014

About mangosteens

The mangosteen fruit is exotic and delicious and packed full of phytonutrients that have huge health benefits. It is grown mainly in Southeast Asia and other tropical regions, however…. Here in the UAE it is found in Spinneys, Lulu and Carrefour.

It is a small dark purple fruit and is roughly the size of a tangerine—about 2-3 inches in diameter.

The mangosteen has often been called the Queen of Fruits (Queen Victoria gave knighthood to anyone who brought it to her).

Top 10 Kitchen Essentials Everyone Should Own

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12 February 2014

10 kitchen essentials everyone should own

Everyone will have an opinion on what is essential to them in their kitchens, those things that make cooking and preparing food easy.

Kitchen essentials depend on the type of cook that you are, if you are a health fanatic then a lemon squeezer might be a kitchen essential for you; so that dressing salads will be easier.... If you are an Indian cook extraordinaire than a great spice rack is what you require.

Here is our take on the top ten kitchen essentials that should be in every kitchen.

10 Ways to Tenderize Your Steak You Probably Didn't Know

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12 February 2014

How to tenderize your steak

There's nothing worse than serving sizzling steaks that haven't been prepared correctly. Especially if you're feeding a group of your friends suffering from major hunger-pangs.

And if you do serve meat that hasn't been under the hammer, prepare for your guests to turn into fire-fighters; trying to hack their way through the bits of sinew, separating that first bite from the rest of the meat.

The Different Cuts of Beef You Should Try

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7 January 2014

Cuts of Beef

Whether you are an enthusiastic cook or just a novice in the kitchen it is important to know the different cuts of meat so that you can make an informed choice when making your next delicacy.

Some cuts are more tender then others and thus require less cooking. Other cuts of meat make a difference in certain dishes.

Here is a list of the cuts of beef available on the market and the dishes that they go best with.
