Cheddar and Apple Frittata |

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4 September 2013



Cheddar and Apple Frittata

Cheddar and Apple Frittata


8 eggs
2 egg whites
1cup white cheddar cheese, grated
1tbsp butter
2 apples, sliced into 1/8 inch lengthwise
Salt and pepper


  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees and the rack set in top.
  • Combine eggs, half of cheese, egg whites in a small bowl and season with salt and pepper.
  • In a skillet, heat butter over medium. Add the egg mixture and cook up to 2 minutes.
  • Place apples on top in a round shape and sprinkle remaining cheese.
  • Move the skillet to oven and bake until frittata is set in the centre or when cheese turns brown. Approx. 20 minutes.
  • Cut into pieces and serve.
Cooks Note

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