Top Ten Stress Relieving Foods |

Top Ten Stress Relieving Foods

Don't let stress get the best of you.

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12 February 2014

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The Middle East’s expatriates are here to work, this is the primary goal of most that live in the UAE. Of course the expats usurp the many benefits that the UAE has to offer, but they have to work hard at it. With hard work comes stress, and stress is something that puts added pressure on every body part. There are foods that can be eaten in order to reduce stress, no these are not comfort foods. In times of stress people tend to consume more junk food, this food adds little nutrients and drains the body of its energy. If you are feeling your levels of stress rising, do some exercise in order to boost your serotonin levels and try to consume as many of these stress busting foods.

Stress Relieving Foods

Bananas – Bananas are rich in potassium and tryptophan. Pottassium is a mineral that helps to reduce tension and tryptophan is an amino acid that increases the production of serotonin in the body. An easy way to consume bananas is to have one with breakfast in the mornings.

Milk and yoghurt – High in calcium and B vitamins which are essential for nerve health. Furthermore the too contain the serotonin boosting tryptophan.

Citrus – Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. Stress can deplete the body’s storage of vitamin C thus increasing the risk of illness. Illness can increase the stress levels of the working man, especially one working towards a deadline. Vitamin C is vital in reducing the risk of illness.

Nuts – Nuts are a great snack food, and stressed people like to snack. Nuts contain vitamin E, a vital antioxidant that destroys the free radicals related to stress and heart disease. They also contain B vitamins and magnesium which help control and stabilize the mood. Nuts are high in fat and should be consumed in moderation.

Whole grains – Contain stress relieving compounds that also increase concentration. These compounds are vitamin B, minerals, protein and fiber. Eating whole grains creates a calming and soothing effect on the body while simultaneously increasing the body’s energy levels.


Blueberries – While all berries are very good for you and are high in vitamin C, blueberries have that little extra kick in the form of an antioxidant known as anthocyanin which makes it a super stress buster. Have fresh blueberries in some low fat cottage cheese (also a stressbuster) or nibble on them frozen on those super hot summer days.

Fish – Fish is loaded with B vitamins which aid in the production of serotonin and help with the reduction of stress. Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish keep the adrenalin hormone from spinning out of control and contribute to a healthy heart muscle.

Avocados – Avos are great, they are creamy and tasty and full of vitamins and minerals such as glutathione, lutein, beta-carotene, vitamin E and folate. These yummy fruits are also rich in vitamin B which is a great stress buster, so if you are going through a stress fest bite into a creamy avo, in a salad or on whole wheat toast.

Beef – A great excuse to bite into a juicy steak; the iron, zinc and B vitamins will help take the stress out of your day. We know that beef has a bad rep due to high saturated fat content, however if you pick up a lean cut, such as sirloin, and have it with steamed veggies you have a healthy stress busting dinner.

Chocolate – One of the most well known stress buster, women reach for a chocolate bar all the time, it works. Choose dark chocolate, it has less sugar and is proven to reduce the levels of stress hormones. Chocolate also releases seratonin - the happy hormone. It's okay to have a bit of dark chocolate, even if you're on the strictest diet. Just keep the portions in check.

