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healthy foods

5 Quinoa Recipes for a Healthy Breakfast

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2 April 2015

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Quinoa is one of the superfoods. It ranks among the healthiest foods that you can incorporate to your daily diet. It is packed with antioxidant phytonutrients flavonoids-- quercetin and kaempferol. Quinoa is also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. Known as "mother of all grains", it was first cultivated over 5000 years ago. 

The most common store-type quinoas are the white, red and black quinoa.

Foods To Eat For Better Sleep

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12 February 2014

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Do you wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to doze off again or are you just waking up in a drowsy stupor in the mornings? There are many factors that affect a great night’s sleep ranging from caffeine to late night television. Your daily exercise certainly plays a role in the quality and quantity of your sleep as does the food that you eat.

Top Ten Stress Relieving Foods

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12 February 2014

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The Middle East’s expatriates are here to work, this is the primary goal of most that live in the UAE. Of course the expats usurp the many benefits that the UAE has to offer, but they have to work hard at it. With hard work comes stress, and stress is something that puts added pressure on every body part. There are foods that can be eaten in order to reduce stress, no these are not comfort foods. In times of stress people tend to consume more junk food, this food adds little nutrients and drains the body of its energy.

Immunity-Boosting Foods

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8 January 2013

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It is important to eat immune boosting foods all year round, not just during flu season. This will maintain the body’s health and energy levels year round. EW has compiled a list of eight immune boosting foods that are easy to include in the daily diet.
