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Scrummy videos

How To Make Your Food Look Amazing On Instagram

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15 May 2017

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How To Make Your Food Look Insta-Worthy

Scroll through Instagram on any given day and you are likely to see three types of pictures dominating your feed: selfies, sunsets and food. Lots of food.

The truth, however, is that unless you have the knowledge of basic food photography principles, your chocolate cake isn't going to look as delicious in photos as it does in real life. But worry not - here to help you take awesome food pics is Izy Hossack.

3 Easy Ways To Make Scrambled Eggs

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15 May 2017

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3 Easy Ways To Make Scrambled Eggs

We don't know about you, but breakfast is our favourite meal of the day. And who doesn't like eggs for breakfast?

Eggs taste great and you can cook them super-fast. From a fitness standpoint, they’re one of the perfect foods: eggs are an encapsulated source of very high-quality protein and very high-quality fat. However, eating eggs every day, especially when they are cooked the same way, can get boring fast.

3 Ways To Upgrade The Classic Hummus Recipe

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11 April 2017

Hummus Recipes

Don’t get the wrong meanings from the title. We are obsessively (enough to eat every day) in love with the classic hummus recipe.

After all, it falls under the rarest of food groups. The one that's healthy, delicious, snackable and easy-to-make (come to think of it, it’s actually the only food that ticks all the right boxes).

This Middle Eastern dip has a pretty loyal international following and why not? At only 27 calories per tablespoon, it's perfect for filling up without adding any excess calorie guilt.
