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Scrummy videos

Behold: The Magical Cake That Changes Colour

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29 May 2017

Colour changing cake

We’re kinda confused here; not sure whether to be impressed by a cake that changes colour or be revengeful because it looks like we’ve found the origin of the glorified rainbow trend.

It all started in 2015 when the avid baker and YouTuber, Charlotte Sometimes shared a short clip of a magical spinning cake that transforms colours depending on the angle it’s viewed from. And just like that, Charlotte (most probably) gave the world a trend to endlessly fuss about. In addition, she also created an easy to follow tutorial on how to create the stunning technique at home.

10 Of The Best Street Foods From The Streets Of Mumbai

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29 May 2017

Mumbai street food

India is the land of exotic ingredients and Mumbai is the heart of its tantalising flavours. With a population of more than 20 million, the city’s street food platter is as diverse as the people who live here.

Spicy, sour, sweet, hot and simply delicious, Mumbai gives you many edible reasons to fall in love with it. The street vendors use time-tested recipes and a whole palette of spices to create dishes that are rich in flavours and easy on the pocket.

10 Secret Food Scams You Always Fall For

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29 May 2017

10 Secret Food Scams You Always Fall For

Fake claims, deceptive lies and heavily-filtered photos — we’re all too familiar with the frequent tactics used to sell food BUT that’s not all.

The manipulation of our minds goes far beyond subtle shading and blotch cleaning. Every time you dine out, chances are you’re being taken for a fool more often than you are aware of.

You may not even notice but you’re constantly being tricked by the world-famous food chains. From free appetisers to the 99 price trick. YouTube channel, @ExtremeTrends has compiled a list of 10 such scams we always fall for.

20 Genius Kitchen Gadgets To Make Your Life Easier

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28 May 2017

20 Kitchen Gadgets

Whether you’re a born chef or you still struggle with your scrambled eggs, there’s one kitchen rule you must never forget: Never say no to a handy kitchen gadget.

Your kitchen can either be a torture cell of constant cutting, peeling and dicing or it can bring you great happiness — it all comes down to the kitchen tools you invest in. Sure, you have all the basics sorted out, but it’s time to take things a notch up and make your cooking time stress-free.

This Arabic Egg Dish Is The Reason To Wake Up Early For Suhoor

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23 May 2017

Shakshouka recipe

Let’s face it — waking up groggy and tired before dawn isn’t really the most satisfying part of the holy month but food, as always, makes it all better.

In Ramadan, Muslims around the globe wake up before dawn for suhoor - the meal that keeps you full for the rest of the day till iftar - the breaking of the fast.

If you’re looking to experiment with your suhoor menu then try then try Shakshouka — a rich succulent egg dish that satisfies.

It might look elaborate but it’s really not.

3 Healthy Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives To Give You A Morning Boost

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21 May 2017

3 Healthy Vegan Milk Alternatives To Dairy

For those who’ve grown up hating the idea of drinking full-fat dairy milk — we feel (and share) your pain. Allergies, acne, oily skin and lactose intolerance, the dairy-struggle is REAL.

While dairy milk is an excellent source of calcium and protein, it also comes with some serious calories and side-effects, especially for adults.

Thankfully, there are now tonnes of vegan milk choices to dip your cereals in. Non-dairy milk options are on the rise as health-conscious people are opting for ultra-healthy, satisfying plant foods.

6 Times Gordon Ramsay Actually LIKED The Food

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21 May 2017

6 Times Gordon Ramsay Actually LIKED The Food

The only things better than Gordon Ramsay's Michelin-star cooking are his scathing insults.

To say that Ramsay is tough, cruel and honest with his food reviews is a gross understatement. The British celebrity chef is the poster boy for anyone’s kitchen nightmares. After all, you don’t become a world-renowned chef without developing an acute sense for what tastes good. He has thrashed countless chefs out of the kitchen BUT there have been a handful of times when he has praised the chef.

The One Food JLO Will Never Eat

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21 May 2017

Jennifer Lopez food favourites

Long before she immortalised those abs and curves by going totally vice-free (that includes sugar, alcohol, salt and caffeine) JLO used to eat.Well, not like your average joe BUT she used to have favourites. She used to have desserts once in a while. And she used to have her go-to picks from Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.
