10 Worst Things You Can Do At A Wedding | ewmoda

10 Worst Things You Can Do At A Wedding

#2 is not just rude but hurtful too.

Posted on

17 May 2017

10 Worst Wedding Etiquette Crimes To Avoid

There are only a handful of things in life more embarrassing than being that unwanted guest at someone's wedding.

In case you want to avoid being the target of a bride's wrath — here's a 101 on wedding etiquette that you should learn by heart before attending the next wedding of the season.

1. No social media MEANS no social media.

Nobody is denying the power of your viral Snapchat story BUT if the couple has requested an unplug policy then it would be incredibly rude to post pictures online or even let your phone ring during the ceremony.

Just because you have a dire need of virtual approval doesn't mean the bride and groom want their faces plastered all over on social media.

Wedding guests rules to follow

image credit: mtv.co.uk

2. No personal questions. Period.

It's not just rude but hurtful too. Many guests freely indulge in gossiping about the couple and nosing around the venue asking financial and personal questions.

Don't. Just don't do that. Don’t concern yourself with what the bride, groom and their families invested in the wedding. And if you are wondering, certainly don’t ask!

3. Don’t try to upstage the bride.

Stay positive. You will get plenty of moments to shine on your own. The poor bride has enough on her plate to worry about without you trying to steal her thunder.

No grand entries, no outlandish costumes and absolutely no drama.

Wedding guests rules to follow

image credit: imgur.com

4. Never assume your own plus-ones.

They've gone to painstaking measures to make sure all guests have a comfortable place and good time. Never assume you can bring a date or your kids to the party unless it's mentioned on the card.

5. Don't crowd the aisle.

Yes, you've worked hard on that smoky eyeliner and you look HOT but it's not your day to pose.

Instead of trying to click selfies in every possible light setting, courtesy demands that you get a seat and be attentive for your loved ones on their big day.

Wedding guests rules to follow

image credit: imgur.com

6. The bridal suite is NOT your restroom.

What's the harm, you ask? Plenty, we say.

Firstly, before the ceremony, the bride NEEDS her time and space to get ready and get rid of last minute jitters. Secondly, after the ceremony, the area is usually off-the-limits due to bridal parties' personal belongings lying there in a mess.

We suggest you resist the urge to pop in for a quick touch up.

7. Don't play paparazzi.

Yes, that's you when you're trying to show off your latest gadget by trying to take candid shots of every guest at the party.

The couple must have hired PROs to do the job. They want to look out and see your smiling faces — not the back of your phone or, even worse, your iPad — beaming back at them.

Wedding guests rules to follow

image credit: slrlounge.com

8. RSVP on time.

It may not be a big deal for you but the two lovebirds have spent a good amount of time, money and effort on the invites.

The least you can do is pay attention to the deadline on the invitation. In fact, if you know your reply, pop it in the mail as soon as possible.

Wedding guests rules to follow

mage credit: imgur.com

9. Avoind bringing large gifts to the venue

Size REALLY does matter when it comes to precious wedding gifts, so you bringing a huge wedding box to the venue will only add chaos and clutter.

The smart choice? Send it via mail in advance.

10. Don't show up JUST to have dinner.

This one is a special shoutout to all the desi wedding guests out there. Remember when you were secretly judging the guests who ate like there's no tomorrow at your family's wedding? Well, you're one of them now.

Dinner is certainly an important part of the ceremony but there is A LOT more going on around than overflowing plates full of rice and chicken roast.

Wedding guests rules to follow

image credit: giphy.com