Dubai Based Fashion Blogger Shares The Secret Behind Her Success
She also reveals her biggest fashion faux pas, trends she loves and trends she hates!
27 February 2017
image credit: @thesandgypsy/Instagram
Maricel Mansano, popularly known by the nickname Sai, is the creator of one of Dubai's most popular fashion, travel and lifestyle blogs - The Sand Gypsy. In today's times, every third person is a blogger, but Sai manages to set herself apart from the crowd. We caught up with the gorgeous blogger for a tête-à-tête.
Keep scrolling to know her a little bit better.
1. Tell us a little bit about your journey – how did you end up becoming a blogger in Dubai?
I have always loved taking landscape photos when I travel and I initially created my website in 2014 to share my travel photos without having to bombard my friend's feeds on Facebook. I’m also a Digital Marketer by profession and realise the importance of bloggers for content creation in today's world. This is why I converted my personal travel blog to fashion and lifestyle, it’s much more practical when generating content. At first, I was shy to take photos of myself, I felt a bit narcissistic, but then I knew, If I didn’t own it, I won’t grow. Along the way, I learned to embrace and love it and then brands started taking notice.
If you told me 3 years ago that I will quit my day job to blog full time, I would’ve laughed at you. Now, If you ask me what advice I’d give my younger self, I’d say start blogging. In this generation, whether you’re a doctor or a lawyer, having a certain level of social media influence is a massive advantage and I wish I had started sooner.
image credit: @thesandgypsy/Instagram
2. It seems like every third person in Dubai is now a blogger, but only few have managed to be successful. How do you set yourself apart from the rest?
I agree and it’s a good thing, the more the merrier. Blogging is not just about posting beautiful photos and having a website or a huge social media following. From what I’ve observed and experienced, there’s so much work that goes into building a brand that is not seen online. Attending events, meetings with PR, preparing proposals for brands and the biggest aspect is your own brand's PR.
Where you go, who you’re with, what you eat, what you’re wearing, and your lifestyle in general has a massive impact on people’s perception of you and your brand. The ones that I consider successful are consistent and what they share online is aligned with where they want to be.
3. What’s the biggest tip you have for anyone wanting to start a fashion blog?
Research - learn how to create a website, how to manage social media and the how-to’s of producing nice photos. Everything you need to know is already online, so get researching!
image credit: @thesandgypsy/Instagram
4. We are HUGE fans of your Instagram page. Do you have any tips or tricks for achieving an aesthetically awesome Instagram page?
Of course! I use an app called Planoly. Before I post, I upload the photos to the app to see if the colours go well together.
5. What was your biggest fashion faux pas?
Wearing bandage dresses! There’s beauty in modest dressing.
6. What’s a typical day for you like?
Half of my day is spent answering emails both for my blog and my meal plan business and the other half of the day is spent shooting, editing, meetings or going to events.
image credit: @thesandgypsy/Instagram
7. If you could swap wardrobes with anyone in the world living today, who would it be and why?
Olivia Palermo! I’ve never seen her in anything I wouldn’t wear myself.
8. Do you have fashion rules that you follow when you put an outfit together? What makes you decide that an outfit ‘works’?
It’s always crucial that I feel comfortable in what I am wearing. No matter how visually pleasing an outfit is, if something feels wrong then something is wrong. Go with your gut!
9. You have a great knack for combining luxury and high-street pieces. What tips would you give to girls who are shopping on a budget but don’t want to look like it?
Oh, thank you! When it comes to fashion, this is what I find works for me - ditch trends and go with timeless pieces instead. Invest in high-quality shoes and bags. It is always hard to spot a cheap dress; however, you can always tell if someone’s bag or shoes are high quality or not. It’s always better to own 1 Prada bag that will probably not wear off in the next 10 years than own 20 low-quality bags that only last a year. Lastly, shop for your body type and lifestyle - this is crucial.
image credit: @thesandgypsy/Instagram
Quick 10 with SAI
3 beauty products you cannot live without: SunSense sunblock, Anastasia Brow Gel and Kiehls Oil Free Gel Cream Moisturizer
Your favorite workout in Dubai: Bikram Yoga
Your favorite local fashion brand: Kristina Fidelskaya and Deborah Henning
The most annoying thing about the fashion scene in Dubai: I don’t know where to start
If you had to wear one brand for the rest of your life, it would be: Chanel
One thing people don’t know about you: I’m in the final stage of becoming a hypnotherapist
One trend you wish would go away: Fish net inside your ripped jeans
One trend you can’t get enough of: Off-shoulders
One thing you wouldn’t be caught dead in: Cropped tops
One word to describe your personal style: Bohemian
image credit: @thesandgypsy/Instagram