Airplanes | ewmoda


7 Things You Always Think When You Get Your Airline Meal

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10 January 2019

Airline Food

Plane food doesn’t exactly have the best of reputations, but United Airlines is banking on it having a fair few fans. It’s released a cookbook of its onboard recipes, so you can recreate the experience at home for just $29.99 (£23.50 / AED 110).

But be warned – if you do rustle up some of these meals, they might not taste quite like when you’re up in the air. When flying in high altitude, your senses are a bit messed up – this means things don’t smell or taste exactly like when you’re on the ground.

Flight Attendant Reveals What You Should Never Drink On An Airplane

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6 June 2017

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Flight Attendant Reveals What You Should Never Drink On An Airplane

Gordon Ramsay, one of most famous chefs in the world, said there's no way he would eat aeroplane food.

"I worked for airlines for 10 years, so I know where this food's been and where it goes, and how long it took before it got on board," he told Refinery29 in an interview.

Well, apparently the food is not the only thing you should worry about but drinks too. Actually, one drink in particular. Water.