This Zoo Has Caged the Most Ferocious Animal in the World | ewmoda

This Zoo Has Caged the Most Ferocious Animal in the World

China has managed to cage an animal no other country has

Posted on

17 November 2016

 Leah Ledu Wildlife Zoo

image credit: CEN

In a world where animals are abused, neglected and caged, a zoo in China has reversed the game.

Leah Ledu Wildlife Zoo in Chongqing city is keeping their animals free in natural habitat while caging the most ferocious of them all – humans. And guess what, visitors are paying good money to experience the dangerous imprisonment.

Launched in 2015, this zoo gained overnight popularity for its unusual method of preserving the endangered species.

Leah Ledu Wildlife Zoo

image credit: CEN

Guests are locked inside a caged car that roams around the zoo’s wild terrain.

Leah Ledu Wildlife Zoo

image credit: CEN

Predators including lions, Bengal Tigers and even bears stalk them.

Leah Ledu Wildlife Zoo

image credit: CEN

Guests are warned to keep their fingers and hands inside the cage at all times unless they want to offer themselves up for dinner.

Leah Ledu Wildlife Zoo

image credit: CEN