10 Times People Failed So Bad At Nail Art That It's Hilarious | ewmoda

10 Times People Failed So Bad At Nail Art That It's Hilarious

This is how you shouldn't do your nails

Posted on

19 December 2016

image credit: TheTalko/YouTube

Nail art looks super dazzling when done right. There are so many beautiful examples of stunning nail art on social media that it's hard to not give it a go. But things don't always go as planned and disasters happen, the results of which are ironically hilarious.

The beauty gurus make it look like a piece of cake but we know that the result of these DIYs is all too often an epic failure. But hey, that doesn't mean you should stop trying.

If you want to make your application flawless then learn from those who failed (even worse than you) at bringing their nail art inspiration to life. Check out this hilarious video compilation TheTalko to learn how NOT to do your nails in future!