Abnormality in pap smear | ExpatWoman.com

Abnormality in pap smear

Latest post on 20 October 2017 - 12:23
I feel for you. I had this here in Dubai and it was the worst time of my life by far, made worse by the most awful doctor who told me I had five years left to live (which was a lie and a scare tactic into making me pay heaps of money for a procedure I didn't need). Your doctor is right. It depends on the stage of your abnormality. It sounds like your abnormality is in the fairly early stages (ASCUS I think is the term) in which case your body is probably strong enough to fight off the virus and get rid of it in a few months. BUT you HAVE to be healthy in this time. No smoking, cut down on drinking, sleep, eat good food. Really help your body fight the virus. In the majority of women's cases, the body is able to fight the virus off and you will have a clear normal PAP in 6 months or so. IF the virus progresses (and it depends what strain of HPV you have) you may need to have a procedure to get rid of the bad cells. I think back in the UK they use a small laser to burn off the bad cells and the vast majority of women are completely fine after. I've had loads of friends with this issue. Just be careful which doctor you go to here in Dubai and ask around before you go... as you know that sales are a big part of their job.
Latest post on 24 September 2017 - 14:53
I was CIN 3 a few years back. As a precaution i had a LEEP procedure and since then all my smears have been negative. Most women i know have had abnormal ones. and guidelines do say that there is a minute chance it COULD NOT WILL develop into anything nasty. Did they tell you what CIN you were and if so what treatment plan have they advised? I too had to have 6 monthly checkups until it was clear Try to worry too much :-)
Latest post on 22 September 2017 - 15:46
Completely normal! As the others have said, and I can vouch for from many experiences over the years, the recommended course of treatment is to repeat in 4-6 months. This is the UK recommendation too. You will probably get a negative smear next time - so many things can through up a dodgy result. I know it's really, really scary if you haven't been through this before, and very easy for those of us who have to say 'don't worry, but please, don't worry. Just make sure you have that follow up smear. If they then find it's still abnormal, the treatment is reasonably easy, generally a quick freeze of the surface cells, which you hardly feel. In fact the anticipation is FAR worse than the treatment! If it were not a borderline result, you'd be in for a colposcopy straight away. If you need more reassurance, the NHS website has some very good information. Good luck!
Latest post on 22 September 2017 - 11:21
Hi, all. I just got told, that my pap smear test showed some abnormality. The doctor has said I dont need to worry as it is common and i should just repeat in six months but I am freaking out about it. Have anyone of you had the same? Did your test after come back normal?Thanks I have been through this a few times. It was a very stressful time in my life. Your treatment plan depends on the level of CIN (abnormality) that was shown on the pap smear. Do you know what yours was? If it was really low they usually follow your reccommended treatment plan. Or they can arrange a colposcopy, which is a closer look at your cervix with a magnifying glass. I would myself prefer the colposcopy rather than waiting for 6 months. If you're unhappy about your treatment plan get a second opinion. I went from a clear smear to 1 year later being wheeled into full surgery and being told to brace for a cancer diagnosis. Dr Christelle Aboud in Al Zahra was the only specialists gyno oncologist I could find in the private sector back then. There was a guy specialist (gyno/ oncologist) who worked in the public system who I feel I saw now working at Al Zahra or Saudi German recently. I just checked for you. He is at Medclinic City now- Karim Elmasry. Good luck.
Latest post on 21 August 2017 - 09:14
Had that a few times myself. If it was really something to sorry about, then they'd tell you. Just do another one in 6 months. Lots of factors can cause an abnormal result.
Latest post on 21 August 2017 - 08:27
Yes - been through the same and the pap smear eventually came out normal. Don't worry - just reschedule a pap smear in 6 months as the doctor suggested.
Latest post on 20 August 2017 - 11:34
Hi, all. I just got told, that my pap smear test showed some abnormality. The doctor has said I dont need to worry as it is common and i should just repeat in six months but I am freaking out about it. Have anyone of you had the same? Did your test after come back normal?Thanks