3 Sustainable and Interesting Fish to Start Cooking and Eating | ExpatWomanFood.com

3 Sustainable and Interesting Fish to Start Cooking and Eating – According to Nathan Outlaw

The seafood chef knows his stuff.

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27 May 2019

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3 Sustainable and Interesting Fish to Start Cooking and Eating

All Credits: PA

Chef Nathan Outlaw grew up like a lot of us, associating fish with the stuff that came battered with chips and vinegar on the side.

Since those days, he’s gone on to establish the only dedicated seafood restaurant in the UK to have a prestigious two Michelin stars, Restaurant Nathan Outlaw in Port Isaac, Cornwall.

If you want to move in his direction and be more adventurous and sustainable with your next fish supper, try cooking and eating one of these, says Outlaw…

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1. Cuttlefish

“Cuttlefish is a very sustainable fish, and it’s decent value,” explains the chef. “A lot of people are used to cooking things like shepherd’s pie and lasagne where they’re using meat or mince as the base, cuttlefish is the same sort of thing.

“You can cut it up, and cook it in the same way. As long as you braise it for an hour and a half in the sauce you’ve decided to put it in, you’ve got the same sort of texture as meat.

“It’s one of those things, you can either cook it really quick, like 10 seconds,” he adds, “or cook it for a long time in a stew. It’s really, really good.

“The prepping of it is probably the sort of thing you’d want your fishmonger to do,” he notes, “because it’s quite a messy old job.”

2. Mackerel

“Mackerel is my ultimate fish,” buzzes Outlaw. “It’s so versatile. If you’ve got it super fresh, you can have it raw [like sushi or ceviche]; it barbecues whole really well; you can pan fry or grill the fillets – it’s really good.”

The only foreseeable problem is that, if you don’t live by the sea, “it’s very difficult to get it as fresh as probably I do here” – but you’ll still be able to get hold of some of the iridescent fish.

3. Hake

If you do live inland, Outlaw says the “best fish to buy at the moment, sustainability-wise, would be good hake. If people love cod and haddock, they’d love a nice bit of hake.”

Restaurant Nathan Outlaw by Nathan Outlaw, photography by David Loftus, is published by Bloomsbury Absolute, priced £45/AED210.38. Available now.
