6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin | ewmoda

6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin

It all begins from within...

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3 October 2020

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6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin

It doesn't matter how many expensive creams you buy or how many extravagant facials you get, clear and healthy skin starts from within.

Whatever you put into your body is going to reflect on your skin and if it's any of the following 6 foods, it is going to reflect rather badly.

Here are six foods that can easily affect your skin's health and overall appearance...

1. Alcohol

This one's a no-brainer. Anyone that has had one too many drinks knows the horrible feeling of dehydration you wake up with the next morning.

You might think it's just your throat that's thirsty, but in fact, it's your skin too. s your skin dries out, you're more prone to wrinkling, dryness, and flaking

6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin

2. Refined carbs

White bread, pasta, potatoes aka all the yummy food in the world is bad for your skin. Refined cards are high on the glycemic index. High GI foods increase blood glucose levels, forcing our bodies to produce insulin to absorb the extra glucose and higher insulin means inflammation, which may trigger acne.

6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin

3. Salt

Salt can make you retain water which will make you look puffy and bloated.

6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin

4. Sugar

Sugar is not just bad for your weight, but your skin too. Foods that are high in sugar end up glycating the collagen in your skin which stiffens and ages it.

6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin

5. Potato chips

Salt (causes puffiness) + Potatoes (refined cards that can cause breakouts) = a big NO for your skin.

6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin

6. Dairy products

Dairy products, especially skimmed milk, can make your body produce an excessive amount of oil which can lead to breakouts. Stick to almond milk instead.

6 Foods That Can Ruin Your Skin