6 Tips To Get Better Skin In 2017 | ewmoda

6 Tips To Get Better Skin In 2017

Make great skin your new year resolution!

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18 December 2016

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 Get Better Skin In 2017

Let 2017 be the year of great skin with these 6 simple tips.

1. Start from the inside out

You are what you eat. Avoid fried food, red meat and added sugar and have lots of water!

2. Do a double cleanse

Double cleansing works like this: the first cleanse takes off the makeup, gunk and dirt on your skin. It is the second cleanse that actually cleans your skin. Even though washing your face twice can seem like a drag - suck it up and do it. Your skin will thank you.

dermalogica - precleanse

image credit: Dermalogica

3. Never EVER forget SPF

Sun exposure not only causes you to age faster, it can also lead to skin cancer. New research suggests a quarter of normally functioning skin cells that have been exposed to sunlight could be on their way to becoming skin cancer. Therefore, it is extremely important to apply sun protection (even in winter).

4. Sleep on a silk pillowcase

Silk, unlike cotton, helps to retain moisture in your face and hair.

Bonus: Silk pillowcases are amazing for your hair too and will make your blow-dry last longer!

slip silk pillowcase

image credit: slip

5. Stop touching your face

Unless you clean your hands 50 times a day - they are a ground for bacteria. By constantly touching your face you are transferring the bacteria from your hands to your face. Resolve to stop touching your face in 2017.

6. Add retinol to your regime

Research shows that retinol can help combat acne, wrinkles, and rough or discoloured skin. We love Sunday Riley's Luna Sleeping Night Oil. With an advanced retinol complex, it helps to lessen the visibility of lines and wrinkles, while correcting signs of damage caused by the sun and external factors like pollution.

Sunday Riley's Luna Sleeping Night Oil

available at cultbeauty.com (image credit: cultbeauty)