How to Properly Prep Your Skin | ewmoda

Are You Prepping Your Skin Properly? Here's Some Advice

There are some simple things you can do if you want your moisturiser to sink in, and for your foundation to look smooth

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11 November 2019

How to properly prep your skin

Long gone are the days when we’d remove our make-up with a wipe, slap on the closest moisturiser and call it a day.

Now, many of us pay close attention to our skincare regime, experimenting with different ways of keeping our skin aglow and plump.

And as the weather gets colder, dry skin becomes an increasing problem, making us even keener on moisturisers and serums that work properly, to keep the skin as hydrated as possible.

The key? Skin prep – which can also help with wearing make-up, as products are likely to apply more smoothly and last longer.

Unfortunately, there’s no set routine you should follow, as everyone’s skin reacts differently to different products. However, medical director of CosmedicsUK, Dr Ross Perry says: “The best advice involves a bit of trial and error, or else a professional skin diagnosis to help you choose a suitable skincare regime.”

If you want your moisturiser and serums to work harder and your foundation to sit flawlessly, here are Perry’s top tips…

Cleanse properly…

Cleansing isn’t the most exciting part of any skincare regime, especially when you could be trying flashy new vitamin C serums or facial scrubs. However, it’s still fairly crucial.

“Whatever products you choose, it is vitally important that the skin is thoroughly cleansed morning and evening to get rid of grime, sweat, oil and make-up,” says Perry. “Any traces of cleanser should be removed before applying moisturiser and any serums, so the cleanser is not leaving a barrier.”

Exfoliate regularly…

Exfoliation is a thorny issue in the skincare world: You want to remove the top layer of dead skin cells, but don’t want to damage your skin. Even if you’re nervous, don’t make the mistake of avoiding it altogether, as Perry says: “Regular exfoliation is good for helping moisturisers and serums to penetrate.”

Again, this is all about finding out what works for your skin. “For some people, a daily exfoliating wash is ideal, whereas others find a daily cleansing lotion gentler, with a weekly scrub to loosen dead skin cells and exfoliate the skin,” says Perry. “Alternatively, you could visit a beautician for a professional microdermabrasion or gentle peel – this would be less often as it’s a more intensive treatment.”

Consider using a toner…

Toners have somewhat fallen out of fashion, with skincare gurus increasingly advocating for fancy cleansers and exfoliators instead. But this doesn’t mean there’s no place for a good toner in your routine, with Perry calling it “a great product to use after cleansing”, particularly “for those with oily skin and more susceptible to breakouts, as toner contains high levels of alcohol to dry the skin out.” Toners can also “ensure you are getting rid of any extra excess dirt and impurities on the skin”.

“There are now toners available with retinol for help with skin renewal and anti-ageing; toners designed specifically for acne-prone skin containing witch hazel and aloe vera; and toners with added hydration for those with dry skin,” adds Perry. “It’s about finding one which works for your skin and may be a case of trial and error before you find the right one.”

Apply toner after cleansing but before putting on any other moisturisers, serums or SPFs, “to ensure skin in squeaky clean, as this will help keep make-up on and give an overall smoother appearance.” At this point it’s worth remembering to “always include an SPF in your morning regime year-round,” says Perry. “Don’t rely on what’s in the moisturiser, as that’s rarely adequate.”