9 Items To Stop Hoarding In 2018 | ewmoda

9 Items To Stop Hoarding In 2018

This is what you should've left behind in 2017…

Posted on

3 January 2018

Decluttering your home for the new year

All image credits: Pinterest

It’s January which means decluttering tips are starting to surface and that daunting task of organising your home is upon you. But fear not, we’re here to help!

The festivities are over and the Christmas decorations are no longer collecting dust, but there are still some things you forgot to leave behind in 2017. From clothes you’ve not worn in years to old receipts and phone chargers you’ve nostalgically collected, it’s probably time to start decluttering your home, even if it is a New Year's cliché!

Whether you want to follow the 'new year, new you' mantra or not, some spring cleaning and minimalism could lead to less stress and more success in 2018. By getting rid of or donating unnecessary items, you’ll be harmonising your home and ultimately your life.

Here are the items you need to clear out and stop hoarding, to ensure a positive start to 2018…

#1 Worn-out linens and textiles

For some reason we feel the need to keep old bed linen, pillows, towels and tablecloths –just in case! But worn out and past its prime linen is only good for the donation pile, for animal shelters or to be shredded and reused. You’d be surprised at how much new storage space this could create!

Items to stop hoarding and declutter

#2 Costume jewellery

It was just a phase –you'll probably never wear those garish hooped earrings again! We often struggle parting with old clothes and jewellery, but clearing out old fashion trend pieces makes more room for new things and timeless classics.

Items to stop hoarding and declutter

#3 The kitchen cupboard

Although it sounds obvious, many of us don’t clear out our kitchen cupboards with packets and jars that are years out of date taking up our valuable space. From spices, to protein powders, odd condiments and random bottles, your kitchen needs its own declutter and you need to stop hoarding sauces you can no longer eat!

Items to stop hoarding and declutter

#4 Clothes hangers

Not your nice wooden hangers that keep your clothes organised and fresh! We’re talking about broken hangers you’ve left to linger, wire hangers that you probably got for free and the ones that your clothes slip off of, as you end up with a pile of clothes you didn’t want to sort. Get rid and replace if need be.

Whilst you're in the wardrobe maybe it's time to let go of those shoes you could never walk in and that jumper with a hole in!!

Items to stop hoarding and declutter

#5 Excess toiletries

If it expired in 2013, it should no longer be in your bathroom cabinet! From makeup to sunscreen and old perfumes, there are many things we keep and no longer need. It is good for both your skin and your home, to declutter and cleanse from items that may only cause you harm!

Items to stop hoarding and declutter

#6 Paper products

We’re all guilty of keeping old cards and scraps of paper for their sentiment, but maybe 2018 is the year to let go. From bills to newspapers and old business cards, paper can take up a lot more space than you’d think and is there really any need to keep it?! The same goes to product packaging and boxes, it may have looked pretty but it now clutters your home!

Items to stop hoarding and declutter

#7 Extra serving ware and kitchen tools

Plastic containers with missing lids, chipped mugs and mismatching cutlery, it all has to go. The utensils you’ve never used and never will, the Christmas presents you didn’t want anyway and all things you have double of, they can go as well. A kitchen with less in it is definitely more, as it’s easier to keep clean and cook in!

Items to stop hoarding and declutter

#8 Books

Books can make an interesting feature and are often used in home decorations, however you don’t still need your school textbook you forgot to return or the self-help book that didn’t work (probably because you never read it). Libraries will be happily accept your old books and you can clear the coffee table from its unwanted clutter.

Items to stop hoarding and declutter

#9 The messy drawer

We all have a messy drawer full of miscellaneous items that we’re not sure where to put. Yes you can divide and organise it, but it might be time to discard the pens with no ink left, the old phones and random wires. Sometimes you have to accept when things no longer have a purpose or use and that means it’s time to stop hoarding these things...

Items to stop hoarding and declutter