How The World's Most Organised Woman Folds Her Clothes | ewmoda

How The Most Organised Woman In The World Folds Her Clothes

This is going to change the way you fold your clothes forever!

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9 January 2017

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image credit: mariekondo/Instagram

You might consider this ridiculous but it’s high time to thank your worn out clothes, welcome the new ones and (at least) mentally bow down to your closet – for just being there.

If you don’t believe us then hear it from Marie Kondo - the most organised woman in the world. Kondo, who is an organising consultant and a bestselling author has transformed the way people organise their homes, closet and eventually lives. Her famous method, known as KonMari involves gathering your belongings in one place and categorising them – one item at a time, keeping only those things that “spark joy” and discarding the rest.

The philosophy behind KonMari is to be mindful of one’s belongings, give them respect and be optimistic. If you’re still sceptical then watch the video below where Kondo demonstrates the basic method of folding different items of clothing. Believe it or not, watching her fold clothes is oddly calming.