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real weddings

Why It’s So Incredible This Bridal Shop Is Representing People With Disabilities in Its Window

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14 January 2019

Wedding display

We’re seeing a huge push for diversity across the fashion industry, but there’s one space which hasn’t experienced much change: Wedding dresses.

If you go to a bridal shop, the mannequins all tend to be white, slim and able bodied. If you’re someone who doesn’t fit into these categories, what should be a positive and exciting experience can become something much more disheartening.

That’s what makes this display so refreshing:

A 98-Year-Old Woman Married A 94-Year-Old Man After Meeting At A Gym

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20 August 2017

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A 98 Year Old Woman Married A 94 Year Old Man After Meeting At A Gym

Gertrude Mokotoff and Alvin Mann were 90 and 86 respectively when they met at a gym in Middletown, N.Y. 8 years later, aged 98 and 94 respectively, they got married at Middletown City Hall.

They were both widowed from previous marriages when they started dating. And Gertrude was the one who finally proposed to Alvin.

“I asked him to marry me,” she said with a chuckle in an interview with The New York Times. “I was tired of chasing after him.”

This Is The First Couple To Get Married On Mount Everest

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9 May 2017

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James Sissom and Ashley Schmieder get married on Mount Everest

Couples will do anything to make their wedding day special and unique, but one couple may just have beat everyone else.

James Sissom, 35, and Ashley Schmieder, 32, a couple from California braved difficult terrain, altitude sickness and sub-zero temperatures on the gruelling three-week trip to their wedding venue - Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world.

This Bride Decided To Rock A Bald Head On Her Wedding Day

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1 May 2017

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alopecia acceptance Kylie Bamberger

While we talk about pimples, pores and pigmentation aplenty, there's one area of women's beauty that is still considered taboo to talk about - hair loss.

Hair loss is primarily viewed as a man's problem and even though the reality of the situation remains that women make up an estimated 40% of those affected by hair loss.

Kylie Bamberger was only 12 years old when she was diagnosed with Alopecia Universalis, an autoimmune disease that results in complete hair loss all over the body. But she has not let her hair loss deter her in any way.

The Story Behind This Elderly Couple's Photos Will Make Your Heart Smile

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12 April 2017

Edlerly Couple Photoshoot

Once upon a time there was a world without cameras, selfies and smartphones. In that blissful world, lived a loving couple — Ferris and Margaret Romaire. Together, they started a family and cherished all the happiness of the world except, a wedding photo session!

And that happiness, is NOT to be missed. So instead of worrying about trivial matters like age, society and norms, Ferris and Margaret Romaire decided to have a wedding photo shoot they always wanted — on their 70th wedding anniversary.

From Dubai to England, This Real Wedding Story Will Melt Your Heart

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2 April 2017

Real Weddings: David Roberts & Rebecca Fielding

In our 'Real Weddings' section, we bring you the stories behind the real life weddings of Dubai-ites. Today's story, about the union of David, 30, and Rebecca, 24, is sure to melt your heart. Make sure you read till the very end.

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