5 Things You Should Never Pack In Your Suitcase | ewmoda

5 Things You Should Never Pack In Your Suitcase

Travel light...pack smart.

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1 August 2017

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5 Things You Should Never Pack In Your Suitcase

Packing a suitcase is not an easy task. Of course, different trips require different things. You will not need a jacket and boots if you're travelling to a hot city like Dubai just like you will not need your hiking boots for a trip to a metropolitan city like London.

However, there are some things that one should never pack no matter the circumstance. Here are 5 such examples.

1. "Just in case" outfits

It might be tempting to pack 4 extra tops for a weekend trip 'just in case', but you're never going to use them. You're going to be stuck with excessive luggage that you do not need.

Plan your outfits according to the number of days and where you'll be going and you should be fine.

5 Things You Should Never Pack In Your Suitcase

2. Too many shoes

Unless you are a movie star who is going to be photographed everywhere you go, 2 pairs of shoes are more than enough for a 10-15 day trip or shorter.

Shoes take up a lot more space than clothes, so be smart while packing!

5 Things You Should Never Pack In Your Suitcase

3. All your hair tools

We've been guilty of packing our hair dryer, straightener, and curler for a trip and cannot deny the massive amount of space these tools occupy. Most hotels provide hair dryers and hairsprays and we honestly could not be bothered about curling our hair on a trip.

Keep it simple!

5 Things You Should Never Pack In Your Suitcase

4. Books

It might be tempting to travel with your own personal library, but believe us when we say that e-readers are the best thing for you. You will save tonnes of space and we promise, your beautiful books will be waiting for you when you return home.

5 Things You Should Never Pack In Your Suitcase

5. Your entire makeup and skincare collection

Similarly to how you shouldn't bring your entire arsenal of hair tools, you should also ditch the overly involved beauty routine. Think of what products are essentials and be brutally honest with yourself. For instance, sunscreen and moisturiser are essentials, but do you really need to pack 4 eyeshadow brushes? We thought no, too!

5 Things You Should Never Pack In Your Suitcase