The World's Most Instagrammed Bathrooms | ewmoda

Posting From The Privy: The World’s Most Instagrammed Bathrooms

Some Instagrammers really do have no filter.

Posted on

22 April 2019

Most Instagrammed Bathrooms

All Credits: PA

The loo is not a traditional location for sharing, at least not with random members of the public, but in 2019 even toilets can be Insta-friendly.

#BathroomSelfie has notched up more than 1.5 million uses on Instagram to date, while #ToiletSelfie has totted up 277,000.

Now, new research from perfume company Fragrance Direct has trawled through 40,000 photos, to find the lavatories we most like to be seen in.

From London, New York, and, perhaps unexpectedly, Leeds, here are a few of the internet’s leading loos…

An effortlessly fashionable London restaurant with several differently-styled dining rooms serving Michelin-starred food, there’s more than enough going on at sketch to satiate even the most demanding gourmet.

But you’re not here for the food, you’re here for the futuristic, rainbow-lit, unisex toilet pods in the back. The undisputed king of #toiletsofinstagram, this most bizarre of bathrooms looks somewhere between 2001: A Space Odyssey and the eggs scene from Alien.

Between them, these Insta-friendly pod-toilets rack up 90 uploads a day.

One of the most exclusive member’s clubs in Mayfair, Annabel’s lives and dies on seamless elegance. The bars are polished and opulent, the lounges are tasteful and stately, and the bathroom… well, just look at it.

Despite being out-of-bounds to us common folk, this wondrous wetroom still generates around 22 pictures per day.

The Ned, London

Last London one, we promise, but the UK capital does seem to be a market leader in the world of photogenic public loos.

The Ned is bathed in luxury – a hotel-cum-member’s-club in the heart of the City, with multiple restaurants and indoor and outdoor pools.

All pales in comparison next to the bathroom – a throwback to 1920s art deco with a well-furnished, three-way sofa in the middle of the tiled floor.

Behind a dining room decorated with glowing purple cherry blossom, contemporary Chinese restaurant Tattu boasts a classic of the bathroom genre. Solid marble from floor to ceiling, the full-length mirror is the headline act, which has left more than a few meals going cold while their owners pose and preen.

We were wondering where New York was hiding through our first five entries, and the answer is, in the House Of Yes.

There’s a definite theme to the decor here, and it’s not hard to spot. A performance-themed nightclub and the self-proclaimed proprietors of the glitterati, House Of Yes sparkles like a car bonnet in July. Each cubicle has a different theme – gold; gemstones; graffiti – creating a mecca for selfie-takers.

When Time Out released its 2018 list of ‘The 50 Best Things to do in the World’, partying at House of Yes came second. Going to the loo there ought to have come first.