Shoes that you bought on sale that don't really fit? Yeah, toss those out!
21 August 2017
video credit: @TheFinancialDiet/YouTube
All the stacks of magazines you haven’t touched in months, expired medicines, the near-empty ice cream carton in the freezer, the stash of ketchup, hot mustard and soy sauce packets kept in your fridge since 2010, shoes that you bought on sale that don't fit you...we can go on and on about with a list of things that you should get rid of to declutter your home, but haven't.
Whether you work an intense job or spend most of your time at home, it is easy to get comfortable with your surroundings and not notice, day after day, the unnecessary things that infiltrate your environment.
In the very informative video above, Lauren ver Hage from The Financial Diet enlists 10 things you need to get rid of in your home, today!