5 Incredibly Easy & Yummy Smoothies To Kick-start Your Day | ExpatWomanFood.com

5 Incredibly Easy & Yummy Smoothies To Kick-start Your Day

Breakfast sorted for the week!

Posted on

17 April 2017

Video credit: TheDomesticGeek/YouTube

We know you love to put up your #BreakfastToday posts every day, especially if it’s impressively healthy and incredibly pretty aka smoothies.

Fresh, creamy and delicious — smoothies make for a healthy start to a sweltering summer morning when eggs are just too heavy to eat. This blended mix of fruits, veggies and yoghurts offer tonnes of nutrients, proteins and fibres that help keep you full and active until the next meal.

But that, in no way, means you have to spend a good amount on store-bought smoothies that are actually just fruity sugary milkshakes in disguise. Instead how about breaking out the blender and prepping some diet-friendly beverages to kickstart your day?

The best part? No cooking involved. All you need are some fresh veggies/fruits (ideally frozen), greek yoghurt and some toppings of your choice. In case you need some inspirations, check out this fun video by chef blogger, Sara Lynn Cauchon.

Lynn has shared 5 incredibly yummy smoothie recipes for each weekday that are super easy to make —that's your breakfast sorted for the week!
