Clean your makeup brushes FAST | ewmoda

Clean your makeup brushes FAST

How you can speed up the boring process of cleaning your brushes

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12 October 2016

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clean makeup brushes fast

Cleaning makeup brushes is no fun. It is perhaps the most boring, but necessary, part of makeup. Using dirty brushes can spread bacteria and cause breakouts (eew!). Cosmetic companies have been coming with all sorts of tools to help clean your brushes faster and we bring you what we found to be the fastest method:

When it comes to cleaning makeup brushes what matters most is what you use to clean your brushes. Even though using shampoo and extra virgin olive oil are popular methods to clean brushes, using a solid bar of antibacterial soap speeds up the process as it breaks down the dirt much faster than a shampoo/oil.

One of the most annoying things about cleaning your makeup brushes is how your hands prune. The feeling is disgusting, but – thanks to Sigma’s Spa Brush Cleaning Mat your entire brush cleaning process is hands-free! The mat is made to fit a standard sink and even has suction cups on the back to make sure it stays put in your sink. The surface of the mat is divided into seven regions, the left side for eye brushes, and the right side for face brushes. Within each category are wash, rinse and refine plus regions, as well as a general refine area for both brush types.
The best part? You can clean more than one brush at the same time. We recommend cleaning 3-4 at the same time, any more and the brushes wouldn’t be cleaned thoroughly. This mat works perfectly to clean blenders and sponges too. Washing your makeup brushes was never easier!

Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Mat

Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Mat (image credit: Sigma Beauty)