The Architect's Playground |

The Architect's Playground

Posted on

19 July 2015

Last updated on 1 December 2015

The Architect's Playground

Meet David Roberts, he's an architect that moved from Leeds to Dubai. How does he cope? Well, "a good supply of Yorkshire tea tends to do the trick."

Atlantis on the Palm Jumeirah


Where were you born?

Leeds, England

I’m living in:

Dubai, UAE

Are you a solo expat?

No, I dragged my better half over to Dubai with me

How long have you lived there?

A little over 1 year

Why did you move?

We wanted to move abroad after our second visit to Dubai 2 years ago, but I had to finish my degree in architecture first before making a move. Dubai is an architect’s playground, so that was a pretty good reason to move here.

Why we like living here:

The lifestyle, the culture, the diverse range of people and the opportunities available are second to none... Oh and the weather isn’t too bad either!

Accommodation options: (what’s the choice like- flats, villas, houses etc)

The accommodation choices are good; there is something for everyone; secluded villa in a gated community or a high-rise apartment in the heart of the city.

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​What do you enjoy doing with your time?

I enjoy spending time with my wife; I work long hours so I am always happy when the weekend comes around. I occasionally hit the gym to try and combat the fated Dubai stone (or 3) and put it all back on again going for meals at night.

What top tips do you have for anyone considering a move?

I would recommend that you visit and explore the place first before taking the plunge... And do your research!

What do you wish you’d known before you moved?

How hard it would be to wake up for work on a Sunday that takes some getting used to.

David Roberts

Is there any where you would like to live that you have not explored?

I like the idea of living in New York City one day; however I may be fed up of busy cities by then! My favorite place for a vacation is Florida, USA which I am afraid is very generic of me.

Where is your favorite place you have lived and why?

I have only lived in two places in my lifetime, Leeds and Dubai... Ask me again in 10 years

What’s the best thing about being an expat?

Winding my friends up on a Friday when they are in work and I am by the pool, unfortunately they get their revenge on Sundays.

How do you keep a little bit of home with you as an expat?

Luckily enough my sister, brother in-law and their children live here so that always helps. Plenty of photos from home and a good supply of Yorkshire tea tends to do the trick.

Anything else you’d like to share with us about your expat experience?

Make sure your family and friends are aware of the time zone differences, otherwise you'll be woken up by messages at 1am asking you how your day is going!