It doesn’t matter what age you are, there’s plenty of activities to enjoy to make the most of your summer!
4 July 2016
| Last updated on 22 October 2017
As kids, summer was a great escape for us all… Days were filled with friends, sunsets and a hunt for the biggest thrill you could find. As kids, we were free, and fun was our only endgame.
Of course now, as adults, we do enjoy a multitude of benefits; no bed time, being able to drive anywhere for an adventure, travel anywhere to see new sights, swim in the deep end, go camping… But really, when was the last time any of us actually did that?
So in order to embrace your summer fully, we’ve gathered some ideas for you to plan and enjoy in your evenings after work, throughout the day or on the weekend!
Watch a sunrise
It’s such a simple way of embracing the day and your summer… Wake up early and catch the beautiful sunrise from your home or favourite spot in town. Make a coffee, grab your camera or smartphone and be prepared to watch the magnificent view in the sky. We have no doubt that by beginning your day with a sunrise, it will be a great one.
Learn a skill
Keep your mind active this summer by learning a new skill… Whether it’s kayaking, football, crafting or dancing… We’re sure that by spending that extra time enhancing your knowledge you’ll be on your way to becoming a well-rounded adult.
Actually take some time to rest
While a lot of us encourage each other to be productive with our time off, sometimes we do just need a spot of R&R, and that’s okay. Who said chilling doesn’t have its own value? Resting your mind, soul and body is essential when you’ve been living a hectic life. Don’t be scared to take an hour or two every now and again to indulge in peace and quiet. Read a book, watch your favourite TV show, take a stroll, paint or do whatever it takes to get you relaxed… Remember to take time for it!
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Be a tourist in your town
This summer, why not take the opportunity to open your eyes and really see the place in which you live. Take the eyes of a tourist and look at your town in a fresh way… Do some research, plan an itinerary of the things you wish to do and go out and enjoy! Make new memories in an already familiar territory.
Turn the TV off
Unless it’s a rainy day – if so, feel free to binge-watch as much as you want – keep the TV off as much as you possibly can. Instead, head to the library or the park or swimming pool.
Go back in time for a day or two
Do you have a favourite spot that you used to visit as a child with your family? Why not rediscover the place? Take your friends, your family and enjoy a place you’ve always adored with your new adult eyes. There’s no doubt you’ll make fantastic new memories. Alternatively if you can’t get away for the full day, why not invite people to join you in watching old favourite movies, or invite neighbours for a game of football or basketball… Maybe you could even organise a huge water balloon fight!
SEE ALSO: Redesign your career as an expat
Tackle your big home jobs
Do you have a huge to-do list of projects around the house that need your attention? They may not be fun and entertaining, but by ticking off each one over the summer you’ll find that they’ll go a long way to easing your everyday stress. Use your time to get stuff done, you’ll no doubt find you’ll be saving money on major repairs, too.
Organise a BBQ
Invite your family, invite your friends and even your colleagues and neighbours! Organising a BBQ in the comfort of your own home is a great way to spend quality time with your loved ones. And there’s no need for you to foot the entire bill; ask guests to bring their favourite dish, a few beverages and together you’ll have enough to feed a zoo, we’re sure. Get the music playing, get out your best crockery and cushions for your outdoor furniture and enjoy. For the kiddy winks joining, a paddling pool is normally a hit.
Get out the old board games
You’ll be amazed at just how much conversation will flow over a good, old-fashioned board game. Get out your Monopoly board, or even Scrabble, Battleship or The Game of Life. If you don’t have a board game to hand, dig out a deck of cards and enjoy a game of Go Fish!
Make the most of the weather
Spend extra time on a morning enjoying your breakfast or coffee before you head off to work, or on a weekend, laze around for an hour or so in the garden catching up on the news, your Facebook feed or reading your favourite book. If the temperature is moderate, sleep with your window open and indulge in the sounds of nature outside.
- Tags:
- things to do
- expats
- summer fun