Feeling charitable? We've got a long list of charities and support groups based in France you can help...
1 June 2016
| Last updated on 28 December 2017
If you're feeling in a charitible mood or are generally one who likes to help out those in need, there are many ways to show and volunteer your support across France. To help you out, we've gathered a list of charities in France that you can support. If you feel one is missing from this list and you'd like it to be added, please feel free to email editor at expatwoman dot com and we'll add it for you!
So if you've recently located to the country and seeking a charity to help, or you simply want to give back to the community around you, here is a list of a number of charities you are able to show your support to or get involved with...
French Red Cross
Volunteer and offer your support for the Red Cross in France.
Address: 75678 Cedex 14 Paris
Tel: 09 70 82 05 05
Contact directly here (in French)
Doctors Without Borders
Every year, Doctors Without Borders provids emergency medical care to millions of people caught in crises in more than 60 countries across the world. Find out how you can lend your support.
Address: 333 7th Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10001-5004
Tel: 212 679 6800
Find out more >>
Secours Catholique Caritas France
Make a donation or offer your support to Catholic Relief is supporting the world's poorest.
Address:106, rue du Bac - 75007 Paris - France
Tel: 01 45 49 73 50
Website (in French)
French Secours Populaire
Lend your support or make a donation!
Address: 9/11 rue Froissart, 75140 Paris Cedex 03
Tel: 01 44 78 21 00
Website (in French)
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