Expat guide to living in Venezuela



If you are (or plan to be) an expat living in Venezuela, please find below a list of expat clubs, schools, general links for women living in Venezuela, country information and more...

Venezuela has some wonderful places to be explored such as the highest waterfalls of Angel Falls, Mount Roraima and the Canaima National Park to name just a few of the historic and beautiful landmarks this country has to offer for both tourists and expats alike. It boasts a Caribbean coastline in the centre, the vast river delta of the Orinoco River to the east, breathtaking mountains of the Andes in the west and dense, green and rain forest wilderness in the south offering an extremely diverse range of habitats.  Venezuela has seen strong economic growth over the past few years, it has one of the world’s largest oil reserves and exports oil, coffee and cocoa beans. Venezuela forms part of Latin America, the majority of expats live in and around the capital of Caracas, the most common language spoken is Spanish but English is widely used and recognised.

Venezuela Caracas

Expat Clubs

Newcomers Club – Venezuela

Our mission is to help our members find friendship, information and a positive attitude with which to face the problems, challenges and rewards of life here in Caracas.

Website: www.newcomersclub.com/ve.html

Venezuela Women’s National Volleyball Team

The Venezuela women's national volleyball team is the national team of Venezuela. The dominant forces in women's volleyball on the South American continent are Brazil, Peru and Argentina.

Website: www.facebook.com/pages/Venezuela-womens-national-volleyball-team/105508309483682

International Schools 

The British School, Caracas

The British School Caracas provides a world class British and international programme for students aged 3 to 18 within a caring, family environment. We encourage our students to aspire to become productive members and leaders in a dynamic and evolving world.

Address: Transversal 9 Estate. Av. Luis Roche. Urbanización Altamira. Caracas, Venezuela.

Telephone: 0058 212 265 5870

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.tbscaracas.com/

Colegio Internacional de Caracas

Colegio Internacional de Caracas is an English medium, preNursery-to-Grade 12 school dedicated to the intellectual and personal development of each student in a caring and supportive environment. CIC offers a challenging program to prepare an international student body to excel in a variety of the world’s finest schools and universities.

Address: Calle Colegio, entre Los Samanes y Las Minas de Baruta. Caracas 1080, Venezuela

Telephone: 0058 212 945 0422

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.cic-caracas.org/

Escuela Bella Vista

At EBV we engage students with an internationally enriched accredited U.S. program providing them with a wide range of opportunities to reach their potential. We are committed to prepare our students to participate independently, cooperatively, and effectively in a multicultural, multilingual, technology-driven, and environmentally-aware global society.

Address: Avenida Cecilio Acosta Calle 67 Entre Avs. 3D Y 3E Sector La Lago Maracaibo, Zulia 4001.

Telephone: 0058 261 794 0000

Website: www.ebv.org.ve/

Escuela Campo Alegre

ECA has a proud history of over 70 years as a school of excellence. Our graduates go on to some of the best colleges and universities in the world. Our students are held to high standards – academically, ethically, and practically. More than being held to these standards, our faculty works with students to acquire the skills and relevant knowledge to be successful at attaining these standards.

Address: Final Calle La Cinta Las Mercedes. Caracas, Venezuela.

Telephone: 0058 212 993 3922

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.eca.com.ve

International School of Caracas

Website: http://www.cic-caracas.org

QSI International School of El Tigre

Our motto is “Success for All” because we believe that all students can succeed.  Our school emphasizes success in both academics and character orientations which are needed for success in life.  We use a mastery approach to learning to ensure students understand the curriculum, and we place a great emphasis on Success Orientations.  Our faculty pride themselves in developing students who will be independent, self-directed, lifelong learners with the skills necessary to enter the ever-changing global community.

Address: El Tigre, Venezuela

Telephone: 0058 283 241 2001

Email: [email protected]

Website: eltigre.qsischool.org/

Local News in English

Caracas News

Website: caracasnews.com/

EL Universal

Website: www.eluniversal.com/

1st Headlines

Website: www.1stheadlines.com/venezuela.htm

Correo Del Orinoco

Website: www.correodelorinoco.gob.ve/english-edition/

Country Information 

Location: South America

Capital City: Caracas

Currency: Venezuelan Bolivar

Language: Spanish

Calling Code: +58

Internet TLD: .ve

Electricity: 120V 60Hz

Emergency Numbers:
  • 171 Emergency
  • 169 Police
  • 166 Fire

Embassy Information

American Embassy

Address: Edif. Torre Delta Av. Francisco Miranda, P.8 Oficinas A y B Altamira Sur Apdo, 60 366 Caracas, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 261 7603

Website: caracas.usembassy.gov/

Argentinian Embassy

Address: Av. El Empalme- Urbanizaciòn El Bosque, Edif. Fedecamaras Piso 3, Caracas , Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 731 3311

Website: evene.cancilleria.gov.ar/

Belgian Embassy

Address: 10a Transversal con 9a Transversal, Altamira – Caracas

Tel: 0058 212 261 0309

Email: [email protected]

Website: diplomatie.belgium.be/venezuela/

British Embassy

Address: Torre La Castellana, Piso 11 , Avenida Principal de la Castellana (Av. Eugenio Mendoza), Urbanización La Castellana, Caracas, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 319 5800

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.gov.uk/government/world/venezuela

Canadian Embassy in Caracas

Address: Avenida Francisco de Miranda , con Avenida Sur Altamira, Caracas, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 600 3000

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.caracas.gc.ca/

Chinese Embassy

Address: Quinta El Oriente, Av.El Paseo, Prados Del Este, Caracas, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 993 1171

Email: [email protected]

Website: ve.chineseembassy.org/esp/

Croatian Emabassy

Address: Calle Ticoporo, Residencias Patricia, Urb. La Ciudadela, Caracas 1080, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 979 0064

Email: [email protected]

Cypriot Embassy for Cyprus in Caracas

Address: Av. Principal de las Mercedes, Edif. Multicentro Las Mercedes, Piso 3, Ofic. 301, Zona Postal 1060, Caracas, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 993 7286

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.embaven-chipre.com/

Danish Embassy in Caracas

Address: Torre -Centuria, piso 7, Av., Venezuela con calle Mohedano, El Rosal

Tel: 0058 212 951 4618

Email: [email protected]

Website: venezuela.um.dk/

French Embassy in Caracas

Address: Calle Madrid con avenida Trinidad, Las Mercedes - Apartado 60385, Caracas 1060

Tel: 0058 212 909 6500

Website: www.ambafrance-ve.org/

German Embassy

Address: Avenida Eugenio Mendoza (Principal de la Castellana) , y Avenida Jose Angel Lamas, Edif. La Castellana, 10, Stock - La Castellana, Caracas

Tel: 0058 212 219 2500

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.caracas.diplo.de/

Indian Embassy

Address: Qunita Tagore, No. 12 Avenida San Carlos, La Floresta

Tel: 0058 212 2857887

Website: www.embindia.org/

Italian Embassy

Address: Calle Sorocaima , Edificio Atrium PH , (entre Avenidas Tamanaco y Venezuela), El Rosal - 1060 Caracas, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 952 7311

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.ambcaracas.esteri.it

Mexican Embassy

Address: Calle Guaicaipuro y Av. Principal de las Mercedes, Edif. 'FORUM' Piso 5, El Rosal, Chacao,, Caracas, Miranda, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 953 8832

Website: embamex.sre.gob.mx/venezuela/

Russian Embassy

Address: Quinta 'Soyuz', Calle Las Lomas, Las Mercedes

Tel: 0058 212 993 4395

Website: www.venezuela.mid.ru/

South African Embassy

Address: v. Mohedano, entre la 1.R y 2.R transversal, Quinta Embajada de Espana. , Urbanizacion La Castellana.-Caracas., PO Box: 62297. Chacao

Tel: 0058 212 263 2855

Swedish Embassy

Address: Avenida J.B. Arismendi, Edif. SCAT, Porlamar, Isla Margarita, Venezuela

Tel: 0058 212 781 6976

Website: venezuelasambassad.com/

Driving License

Driving and public transport in Venezuela

Getting around in Caracas by public transport will be your best option, there is a clean, modern and in- expensive metro system in place, couple this with the extensive bus system and you’ll find you can get most places relatively cheap.

Driving in and around the main city is not recommended, generally the standard of driving is quite poor when compared to European or American countries. Fuel is quite cheap so driving for long distances could prove beneficial however hiring a car will be expensive – not to hire but the cost of insurance!

To drive in Venezuela you will need to get yourself at an International Driving Permit (IDP) from your home country – this will allow you to drive here for up to three months whilst you arrange exchanging your license for a local one.